Ideas |
2009-03-21 13:15:53 |
make lord playable in low player counts.
2009-03-21 18:05:16 |
Outlaw flag should go away with death
2009-03-21 20:34:53 |
do another tnl revamp
2009-03-22 01:52:03 |
make lord playable when count is lowish. |
2009-03-22 01:52:21 |
make lord playable when counts are lowish? |
2009-03-22 01:52:50 |
make lord playable when counts are lowish. a virus going round? see above
2009-03-22 12:04:23 |
display that a player with water breathing has gills when looked at by another player
2009-03-22 14:23:46 |
mob that's hard to find, that removes the outlaw flag via doing a stealthly quest. If you're not stealthly enough you'll get caughy and go to jail anyway. |
2009-03-22 14:49:20 |
bribe skill for rog/asn to remove an outlaw flag for gold. Can scale the gold based on the character's level. |
2009-03-22 16:06:28 |
pardon should remove outlaw flag!
2009-03-22 18:04:16 |
Paladin deflect strike - while monitoring a target a paladin can occasionally throw his shield infront of his monitor helping to evade a strike. If successful he will lose his own use of shieldblock for 2 rounds.
2009-03-22 22:58:36 |
command: cc (carboncopy) use: sends a tell to two or more different targets.
2009-03-24 02:43:57 |
make Slithk the devourer a corpse eater |
2009-03-24 02:44:12 |
dude's mad hungry
2009-03-24 03:32:40 |
You can type "hero" to see all the heroes of the lands, and "lord" to see all the lords... We need a "legend" command as well. :)
2009-03-25 12:03:31 |
suggest adding hard-headed for golems. makes sense in light of the race and their general resilience/thick-headedness
2009-03-25 12:51:36 |
New command: 'colour' toggles ANSI colour just as 'color' does. ;)
2009-03-25 16:51:25 |
when someone doing ud we should be able to see how much ud and fighter left like we are foughting them |
2009-03-25 16:51:44 |
in watch room of course .D
2009-03-25 22:28:17 |
aggressive tortugas in tortuga cay be made MOBILE
2009-03-26 16:21:54 |
we should have a class like ninja that use shrukens or other exotic weapon like attacks as spells .D
2009-03-26 16:23:05 |
it is also would be interesting to have a samurai class that their attack is based on drawing (sword drawing not painting :P)
2009-03-27 02:32:47 |
some kind of help identify file, that shows a sample identify (to help explain the concept of base armor etc.)
2009-03-27 14:06:35 |
help lawful and help outlaw both refer to Jail in the See Also section, but Jail seems to be talking about something else entirely than outlaw/lawful stuff.. perhaps add a section to Jail help to clarify? jailing a player in the game as opposed to a persons alt itself
2009-03-28 05:04:43 |
morph failure message tells you how many levels you lost
2009-03-28 14:53:47 |
i'd like to see Tour Guides added to the list of dirs at the Lost? Look Signs.
2009-03-28 14:54:33 |
lowmort 1-5 tourguide for help meadow
2009-03-28 15:55:47 |
in 2nd paragraph of mudschool 36, put in blue that |c|if you are already level 2, you do not need to ask for a promotion.
2009-03-28 18:45:54 |
even tho something is treasure put the condition flag next to it so armor doesnt look so messy when looking at it
2009-03-29 15:15:59 |
make fletch for faerie arrows more reasonable. fletched for almost 5 hours and only ended up with 352 faerie arrows. that's ridiculous, they're not -that- helpful.
2009-03-29 15:18:58 |
Make flecthing/sharpening an exhaustable skill, instead of lagging a player, so said player can still engage in chat, etc
2009-03-29 17:52:11 |
Legend ARcher, pin shot, longshot disarm.
2009-03-29 18:27:43 |
Add priest to the list that spec_demon aggies against. They already attack the other spiritual types, monks/clerics, so priests should really be heavily weighted for auto-aggie.
2009-03-29 23:44:38 |
class/race combo for top10 like help top10_hieprs
2009-03-30 03:34:45 |
this is not the identify command?
2009-03-30 22:15:06 |
why not give Stormlords inclass control weather as that is just silly that a class that controls that weather doesn't have inclass control weather, unless slearn control weather is incorrect.
2009-03-31 09:29:37 |
stat loss for hero starting at 500. It makes absolute sense. EHA areas and Eulogy start there. Why penalize and discourage low hero with low pracs gains to being with.
2009-03-31 10:07:55 |
Update room desc 1s of Thorngate center; unless I'm mistaken, Lord Mud School is not the citadel.
2009-03-31 14:20:21 |
rogue in battle steal. A rogue can steal an item from the inventory of an opponent in the fray of a battle. Lord would be nice, especially with sleight of hand.
2009-03-31 15:37:20 |
it would be great if we could see peoples alt when we use whois command bc sometime it is so confusing -at least the alts they want to be know by everyone
2009-04-01 01:46:58 |
lords aren't invisible on hero channel
2009-04-01 16:55:37 |
have config +autogold grab lockboxes since they mostly carry gold, instead of having to either use config +autoloot or searching for them yourself.
2009-04-01 23:57:45 |
Girth of the Most Holy is a bound piece of Quest gear. It should not pop at anything less than b13. Getting a b10 girth, or even b11 is a slap in the face for the pain UD is currently. Some classes have a cakewalk due to skills, and some are a horrendous challenge. Anyone who defeats the Dragon should get something that is at least worthwhile, not a piece of junk gear.
2009-04-02 22:00:47 |
have a who lord type who that excludes shadowed lords
2009-04-02 22:45:04 |
Permit use of the buddychannel when on Legend Planes. Be nice to be able to speak to your friends even if you can't have the other public channels.
2009-04-04 00:17:35 |
corpse eaters shouldn't be able to eat during combat. Thats just silly.
2009-04-04 00:48:10 |
odd suggestion, but human racial where they increase in a very small manner when they are grouped with other humans.
2009-04-04 05:49:50 |
Config +NPP Prevents you from being a portal point for mortal spells/skills, (teleport, track, etc.) Staff still able to tele/scry/etc. through this, useful for quests so that translock might not be required.
2009-04-04 12:11:58 |
fix identify
2009-04-04 19:05:20 |
for config +blind, capitalize the "c" in "nchat" please, sometimes heard to hear the difference especially if the character's name ends in an "n" sound
2009-04-05 13:27:17 |
Sanctum's Guide tells you 'The Rental Agency (out of business) is Up.' -- Remove "(out of business)" from Sanctum Guide's mprog.
2009-04-05 23:05:33 |
make affects list configurable so you can place each spell where you want it in the list. :P
2009-04-06 17:33:19 |
a spell that once cast upon you, you can look at another and get an idea of how much mana they have left. Useful sorta' for legend.
2009-04-06 17:58:52 |
Can characters walking in and out of room not be automatically filtered by config +blind, even if the filter is off? Causes problems if a mob is there, I go to attack it, and it leaves and I have to scan to figure out where it is, listening or scrolling for it no less which gives it a chance to move again.
2009-04-06 18:01:05 |
A command that lets you view recent communication sends your character has seen, I.E. tells and sends on channels you are connected to, perhaps say as well. Easy to miss a tell in battle especially for blind folks.
2009-04-08 17:35:05 |
Ditch the "grtz" alias of " [", keeps getting in the way and I've died once because of it and was close a couple of other times
2009-04-09 01:02:00 |
some form of displaying status of resist pain, i.e. off/on.
2009-04-09 19:01:42 |
stm should get sandstorm before other classes, kinda seems like it should be in class too.
2009-04-10 12:07:57 |
sustained healing spells. Upper level of coarse.
2009-04-11 12:40:09 |
make turn undead work. thanks
2009-04-11 17:04:47 |
make Darii's Kitchen an infirmary
2009-04-11 17:07:08 |
angel spring that refreshes like morgan vale
2009-04-12 06:50:03 |
give an option to speed up the gap speed in combat so you arent waiting so long either through a skill
2009-04-12 06:50:44 |
or possibly though action points or stamina so for limited time based on stamina your combat speed is faster
2009-04-12 22:33:47 |
Area reset to load a specified mob if a pc has been in an area for more than 3 consecutive repops. Auto-disable during hogs due to quicker repops.
2009-04-13 06:17:05 |
Have groupleader beeing able to override the notake flag for groupmembers? (so that people can run with notake but still get gear during lottos ie.)
2009-04-13 22:28:34 |
make heighten senses work more often than it fails.
2009-04-13 22:30:29 |
how about Charge Shield working a little bit more often than doing NOTHING
2009-04-14 14:26:39 |
faerie fire should actually work as a cleric.
2009-04-14 14:38:19 |
spec_devout. Mob that worships same god as particular players, become no_aggie towards those players.
2009-04-14 14:42:01 |
Warrior overpush after a successful bash, a warrior can attempt a strike to hit an opponent who is now offguard for twice that he would that battle round. The warrior must be tanking in order to use this skill.
2009-04-14 19:23:39 |
Archer mobs should miss when blind.
2009-04-14 20:34:45 |
Have a beggar repop at the south end of the Midgaard entrance so the tour guide can fake giving coins a little more realistically. :)
2009-04-15 20:10:00 |
allow lord reforge to go to b27 |
2009-04-15 20:10:06 |
err b28 scratch that
2009-04-16 02:06:14 |
passkey item from Serp War area. Add keyword to it so that KEY works when grabbing it off ground.
2009-04-16 20:49:09 |
take off the lag if you try to heighten senses while holy sight is up
2009-04-16 23:43:29 |
help dc and/or dc quest should cross reference help diplomatic corps quest ;)
2009-04-17 03:09:28 |
make a race that is racial_invis 100% of the time (there was more) bonus: improved invis without casting, drawback, can't deal with those shopkeepers that can't see you, or other players without detect invis, possibly allowing player to cast detect invis on shopkeeper by some means
2009-04-17 11:27:48 |
a necromancer class that can use corpses to do powerful spells, have extra powers over and against the undead and general attack and debuff spells with zombie/undead motiff
2009-04-17 12:54:21 |
what's the status of the idea of giving grf bite a poison effect?
2009-04-17 17:30:57 |
ether flow - prereq magic lore. A spell that last a short duration that allows you to see room flags such as nospell, on scan
2009-04-18 12:08:25 |
hero prs spell cast on other only with exhaust. Spell that allows no stat loss to a naked ally. This would stimulate more self cr attempts esp. for noobs. Also make the spell only work at hero level and down.
2009-04-18 19:46:32 |
call on player conference / mailer or something to poll for |
2009-04-18 19:46:52 |
various prompt symbols requested and do them all at once.
2009-04-18 22:36:24 |
Rename "AVATAR's Donation Room" to "Rua's Lair"
2009-04-19 10:23:24 |
Alter the exp gaining code so that it only zeroes out exp if a level 125 char hits the mob, not just 52+ (i.e. mobs attacking other mobs).
2009-04-19 12:57:06 |
angels should have permanent spring rain follow them
2009-04-19 13:24:43 |
LPs for hero that are either different from lord LPs or removed once you lord. They could be put towards similar skills as the lord ones or simply for pracs.
2009-04-19 14:41:11 |
Unsure if it is possible or worth the efforts.. Allow rogue and archer marks to be imp'd or changed in sanctum, same marks sit in the room and can't be changed :(
2009-04-19 23:05:16 |
make the warning before "The Game" more noticable, like the Mt. Durr going into Divide one
2009-04-20 17:03:08 |
i thing there would be only one help file for deck of many thing. when i type "help deck of many thing" there is a help file and there is another when i type "help deck of many things". :D
2009-04-21 10:14:23 |
Add a newline break after spell output. |
2009-04-21 10:14:42 |
Sorry, output of the spell command (i.e. spell divinity)
2009-04-21 13:56:14 |
add 'racial sweep' and 'sweep' as keywords in the help 'racial-sweep' as it is shown as sweep in racial wae
2009-04-22 03:37:05 |
enchant bow is seperate from enchant armor and enchant weapon: it should have a seperate color from weapon when brilling, maybe |BR|brilliant red|N|?
2009-04-22 20:49:52 |
qptransfer between alts should be free because the same person is behind the keyboard no matter which alt they're on
2009-04-22 20:50:27 |
20% fee for transferring qp to another person
2009-04-22 21:51:43 |
make stilleto (lord ac wield) -25 ac so it's actually worth getting
2009-04-22 22:12:48 |
i know it's too much for retro, but for new things, what do you think about putting dates on helps?
2009-04-22 22:15:14 |
Make all portals created by level 800+ perfect. Will prevent drainage when things go awry during quests.
2009-04-23 13:36:06 |
blind shot skill for archers and fus, since mobbie arcs can hit blinded
2009-04-24 21:05:42 |
warriors should have a chance of getting xp for sucessful bashing and tripping, as priests do with healing. at lord level at least
2009-04-24 22:21:13 |
'deflect arrow' a bod/war skill which allows you to block incomming arrows while your commrades sleep to regen. could cost mv to use or have exhaustion or what not