Ideas |
2008-08-16 05:35:30 |
give trg racial-bite, similar if not the same as the mob spec except with exhaust like racial breath with poisons scaling up appropriately through tier
2008-08-16 12:48:25 |
Allow players to astral to other players in Sanctum, Aelmon/Nom, etc.
2008-08-16 20:31:53 |
I notice that when I do help lore that the list of associated items does not include container lore
2008-08-16 20:46:13 |
allow archers to skin more different types of clothing items. make it theoretically possible for them to completely clothe themselves other than weapon, ammo, and light. no practical value whatsoever, other than well... it'd be cool.
2008-08-16 21:59:38 |
trl getting pswing, they are a very big race?
2008-08-16 22:55:31 |
give a slight xp bonus for kills using racials (breath/etc.) to races that have them available
2008-08-16 23:19:35 |
add a line after the cast for room when spell fails (ie name utters the words, 'blah' but loses his concentration.) so people don't need to make unnecessarily bright 'i failed this spell' triggers
2008-08-16 23:43:46 |
Consider druids for reviewing.
2008-08-17 13:35:23 |
add a mud-wide leaderboard of players who have used the most mana!
2008-08-17 14:16:00 |
DC quest mob, is it doable? i understand it should be a challenge, but fully spelled, geared, vials of healing, etc and have NO shot at lvl 40 kaukis dragon
2008-08-17 23:17:24 |
sagittarian, archertype war style cen remort, less wis/dex, more str and dam mod, lose nofail ability, gain hp mod
2008-08-18 15:41:03 |
kinda broad idea, but make clericsal healing "impede" upon each other depending on the gods whom heal a target
2008-08-18 16:02:47 |
make dsd human remorts only. makes sense, seeing how the helpfile indicates humans as the target impgrenates
2008-08-18 20:41:43 |
Because of vampire fang being nerfed, I think berzerks are too twinky with ability to gain hp after final blow |
2008-08-18 20:46:27 |
Any way to make SHF, a reasonable class to play again? We are kinda stalemate at lord. Can't steal hp, can't tank well, and we certainly can't hit. We are becoming the Bld's *shudder* |
2008-08-18 20:53:17 |
I really think vamp has been nerfed too much. We barely get any hps now. I tested earlier today and was barely able to gain 1k hps as a grf shf during an entire vamp duration. We can't hit, we lack third attack, consummation, and bear. We don't get massive hps like other tank type races. And we pretty much require a healer now to do any decent runs. I'm not the only one to feel this way, i have talked t |
2008-08-18 20:53:44 |
I have talked to alot of others that play, well played shf, and they don't feel its worth it any more. Shf weren't as 'twink' as people made them out to be. I've played this alt for 2 years and barely kept up with xp run averages of other non shf races.
2008-08-19 09:28:19 |
update help embed to reflect the significant chance of gem shatter on use
2008-08-19 17:48:15 |
give ents powerswing
2008-08-19 18:19:30 |
miraar, racial_telepathy, much like any other language, the only difference is in addition to understanding, only those other races with racial telepathyt SEE the messsages, like a racial tongue.
2008-08-19 18:24:05 |
monk skill legend, skill that allows a monk a chance to throw a sneaky type when attempting a surprise attac
2008-08-20 16:04:16 |
new command: who bot;bot me
2008-08-21 09:19:04 |
new bow type: catapults.
2008-08-21 09:22:14 |
bld skill that only works when tanking, slightly increases damage each time an attack is successfully dodged, mod drops when mob dies.
2008-08-21 10:17:17 |
heh.. secret door you walk through to skip hero! boo.
2008-08-21 12:35:59 |
increase drg psi bonus
2008-08-21 13:54:27 |
would be cool if u had a group of 6 or more gob. they get like a group bonous thing. |
2008-08-21 13:55:00 |
like packattack. but have ot be many gobs. not just 2or4.
2008-08-21 14:36:17 |
small alchemy skill for wizards only that they can magically combine 2 poisons into an empty vial. The poison charges are diminished by 1/3 and the chance to poison a weapon becomes slightly harder due to the magical ingredient
2008-08-21 18:57:49 |
remort of a remort..dragon into dragonfly. You'd turn into the equivalent of a sprite with racial armorancient.
2008-08-21 19:15:53 |
allow half-elves to remort to elf
2008-08-21 19:25:50 |
have we considered PRCs for remort classes?
2008-08-22 10:46:40 |
i think the duration disparity between the various gods is a little high. i suggest moving the extreme long/short (qxl/gorn) to where shz/tul are now, and reducing shz/tul's duration mod to the midpoint between base and that.
2008-08-22 12:15:35 |
allow relog in the room before UD
2008-08-22 12:38:51 |
Make firestorm in class, for..... well some class. It's not in class for any classes at all.
2008-08-22 14:26:14 |
if you made gars size large, they could go BOD
2008-08-22 16:19:43 |
config +no mirs changing to my body
2008-08-22 17:57:12 |
when you type 'note read' and there are no new notes it forces you to the next board automatically
2008-08-23 00:22:39 |
submarines to give u water breathing that work just like boats do on top of water
2008-08-23 00:30:06 |
Pit Fiend from demon Legend only remort. Str, Con, Dex bonuses. Low wis/int. Should be fairly brutish in power, melee damage bonus maybe even a spell damage reduction. Bad spellcosts for all realms of magic.
2008-08-23 00:49:27 |
Make "sli" do slist like how it was before, instead of slip.