Ideas |
2006-05-20 08:27:51 |
I think it would be cool to have an alt log, a command like last could be used against a character name, this command generates a list of alts for that character name, the list would be created and maintained by the player, that way if they do not wish to have their characters associated with each other they do not have to be.
2006-05-20 13:26:51 |
Would it be possible for wzds to get the same immunity that mages do when holding a charged shield in battle, but get a chance of the shield going off and missing the target mob? The skill has no real benefit for wzds considering we do not get enough
2006-05-20 18:47:34 |
if there isn't a help i've lost the keywords for, maybe we should have a helpfile for voting/how to vote for avatar on topmudsites
2006-05-21 05:02:05 |
put a light at the temple of anthar..seems like it would be lighted at night..
2006-05-21 06:23:53 |
Add to HELP TRAIN and/or MORPH that
2006-05-21 09:58:50 |
if you hold your shot, the "you couldn't reload fast enough" shouldnt appear
2006-05-21 16:31:21 |
New config "concealed" - when on and invis/hidden, you appear as "Someone" in tells and on channels; when off, you appear visible in communication,
2006-05-21 16:31:51 |
Remove "gensis" from "llist cle", still in there.
2006-05-21 20:59:03 |
druid should get in-class bark skin, I mean someone should have it in class, and they're the best candidate
2006-05-21 23:49:31 |
why does taint not go away after you die? I have -2k exp because of it since I haven't leveled and I have died several times..not so cool
2006-05-21 23:59:52 |
ability to use 500 lp's for 50 of your choice, hp mana or moves
2006-05-22 06:58:40 |
psi spell, hypnotize. allows a psi to hopnotize a groupmember into believing he or she is invincible. gives the target hr and dr bonus and ac
2006-05-22 07:02:52 |
psi spell, synapse. castable on self only. when cast, the psi completely relaxes his brain in order to super-recharge his powers. all inclass spells and
2006-05-22 09:12:21 |
remove the sentinel mobs @ out shift, or make it so the wastesweepers can't get there
2006-05-22 17:34:11 |
Throw us a bone and give heighten senses same duration as lord spells after lording, or at least 50ish.
2006-05-22 18:45:04 |
allow monitor to be changed when resting
2006-05-22 19:08:36 |
direct deposit, when you get gold from a corpse it magically is picked up by an electronic signal which is received
2006-05-22 21:58:02 |
racial anti-panic for centaurs
2006-05-22 22:07:10 |
cle/prs/pal spell high hero. religious frenzy - +10/+10hr/dr no ac penalty. if target worships diff god from caster -10/-10hr/dr
2006-05-23 11:01:52 |
bzk rite "Furious Slaughter" - this rite would give the bzk bonus damage and mebbe some extra damage redux for each mob he kills, This would reset with a 0xp kill or if the bzk moves, would be useful but not twinky at hero and lord :D
2006-05-23 15:53:30 |
update help leveling gear - river tunnels gone
2006-05-24 05:33:24 |
allow casters to "feel" the presence of other casters, even if they're invis. ie. You feel the presence of a mighty force in here.
2006-05-24 05:36:34 |
remort class- Shaman: brute caster class involving various voodoo inspired debuffs and dark magical benefits for the caster. Con prime, stupid races encouraged (giant/ogr/troll types). Could do lots of interesting things, like collection of body parts
2006-05-24 13:06:16 |
shrike style is USELESS on shf... remove it from shf
2006-05-24 16:26:12 |
add "part" too all short descriptions of parts that fall off mobs so we can "drop all.part"
2006-05-25 02:55:55 |
spell that can locate the planar anchor for lord, perhaps inclass psi or mnd
2006-05-25 03:06:10 |
legend skill revision - smash small % to cause a 1 tic scramble effect OWW THAT HURT YOU BRUTE!
2006-05-25 11:47:51 |
'help tnl tiering' can probably be removed.
2006-05-25 17:55:42 |
get rid of the high level unpredictable det mob in storm canyon pls, really spoils the area
2006-05-25 19:04:28 |
exp bonus when you/your group almost dies. negate bonus if final fury is being utilized
2006-05-25 21:33:08 |
have some gods drastically increase the chance of debuff spells working on mobs
2006-05-25 22:53:11 |
deep sleep. Become unaware of socials done to you, chat/herochat/etc. and become extremely defenseless if aggied, but a small increase in regen?
2006-05-26 01:55:49 |
Berserker Rampage, acts as though time skipped every round for 4 rounds, exausted for 16, for every round of extra attacks bzk recieves scars worth of damage. initiation costs a scars worth of dmg, and is initiated by command rampage
2006-05-26 04:06:47 |
spell portal shot a skill for archtype, ability to shoot an arrow through portal damaging a mob!
2006-05-26 06:19:23 |
We have a restore race, but no restore class. Bring on 'restore mnd'!
2006-05-26 18:18:24 |
instead of making chaos channel work at lord, i liek the idea of choas channel working when we fail surge, ala getting back the surge cost and costing a normal amount, with the 5% chance of failure. we surge a lot more now than we run with surge
2006-05-26 19:43:46 |
bzk rite Irrational Outcome, passive bzk rite, when fighting 3 or more mobiles, bzk recieves a bonus to damage and to hitroll, but losses the ability to rescue untill those mobiles are dead as he is too focused on killing those monsters