Ideas |
2006-03-25 02:08:18 |
When you miss with Moonshard arrows, you can *never* pick them up. Give a hint along those lines in the help?
2006-03-25 04:58:00 |
perhaps make mobs that load in nokill areas not load with lockboxes, seems a possible waste of system resources
2006-03-25 14:03:31 |
you should be able to see what level you're quickening at and surging at while sleeping. Either that, or add it to your affects list.
2006-03-25 16:40:39 |
is there a way to make the practice dummy worth 1xp? or find a way for it to reset zerker rites? 1xp really woudln't be abusable i'd think, if someone has the
2006-03-25 17:37:04 |
filter out scan spam with filter +walkother
2006-03-26 03:05:01 |
Remort class for monk/shf: Hand of <Diety, pref Gorn>. Focuses less on number of attacks and more on concentrating divine power into each strike, abilities are tied to mana, however, and they gain bonuses like bzk for wearing less armor,
2006-03-26 06:17:06 |
Heh.. funny how you knock Snikt on 'giving skills to anybody' i.e. surge, yet you gave your archers surge and they're not exactly battle casters either
2006-03-26 07:07:19 |
Here's lag that I could find acceptable: Add small wait_state as possible when a Monk switches counter disciplines (i.e. from ctr disarm to ctr
2006-03-26 07:14:12 |
lord skill for sor that gives you a small boost of mana when a member of the group dies. Death Oath? somesuch, make it be like a deal between the sor and
2006-03-26 07:34:28 |
paladin needs a spell that removes demonfire
2006-03-26 09:53:24 |
can we have a few more immolation/astral prison type mobs on lord planes? as it is those skills are kind of useless specially astral prison since you cant
2006-03-26 10:20:31 |
Paladin Lord CD - Holy Faith..... active spell that increases the paladins opportunity to block with their shield I'll leave the numbers up to you
2006-03-26 10:24:27 |
paladin lord CD allows 2 tics to pass where your regen rate stays the same even if you've woken... example your regenning and you accidentally stand up as long as you sleep again within 2 tics your tic "counter" isnt reset
2006-03-26 10:27:24 |
paladin lord CD Righteous anger, when a group member dies the paladin's fury also increases with each hit they land upon the foe..... every successful "hit"
2006-03-26 10:29:43 |
paladin lord CD Fire of the heavens - the paladin calls down the power of the gods to help him vanquish the evil enemies...... area spell which requires there
2006-03-26 10:31:48 |
paladin lord CD Wings of heaven - the paladin is granted "wings" which allow him to further evade mobs, (increases dodging for a certain ammount of
2006-03-26 11:11:29 |
"oath of the shield" forgoe all melee attacks in favor of holding your shield with both hands, if a weapon is wielded before the spell is over large penalties to
2006-03-26 13:43:57 |
Make some bod mobs with intercede and stuff for hero tier :)
2006-03-26 14:22:02 |
drc rebuild dragon lord 300
2006-03-26 16:29:31 |
would be nice to have the ability to have to recall points
2006-03-26 16:54:22 |
how bout a archer disarm, use a round or two's worth of damage to shoot the weapon out of the mobs hands..also mobs could do this to lords:)
2006-03-26 17:32:36 |
ritual version of wall of thorns that also blocks longshotting
2006-03-26 18:40:05 |
make the new sprite 2e randomly werrebocler people in the room
2006-03-26 19:35:36 |
hit/save gear, for the bzk who doenst like 5k shard storm dmg ;)
2006-03-26 21:30:56 |
a small qp reward for ud maybe
2006-03-26 22:22:18 |
when you fade an item it should remove the no-remove nodrop flags
2006-03-27 06:38:39 |
allow bzk to do some form of eulogy which costs them 1k exp PERMANENTLY
2006-03-27 06:51:00 |
vanquisher of evil" paladin takes an "oath" to vanquish evil for as long as he lives...and when he kills a good mob he loses exp but when he kills an evil one he gets a small bonus of exp ?
2006-03-27 06:59:01 |
allow paladin to have inclass charge shield with different "paladinish" charges available
2006-03-27 09:27:48 |
the kobold at the start of wayside says in the short desc it is asleep, but it actually isn't. That should be removed, or it should repop asleep.
2006-03-27 09:43:47 |
refund sprite wzd! let us change to mage of any nmon-remort race plz. ty. have a nice day.
2006-03-27 10:04:12 |
change the auction channel to ebay channel plz
2006-03-27 10:47:44 |
grant every class with longshot a very slim chance <1% of hitting an "organ" (vs slot) when longshotting a mob, but don't grant any control as to the
2006-03-27 13:03:52 |
Consider should show more info for lowmort levels 1-10.
2006-03-27 15:01:43 |
I dunno, the whole complete lack of stat-loss thing seems like incentive enough not to die a bunch on the way to lord
2006-03-27 16:32:11 |
Instead of 'You have not learned HOW to cast barkskin yet!' could there be a message if your class never learns a skill? IE: 'You will never be able to cast
2006-03-27 16:46:32 |
Make commonly camped healie rooms (wafer, nectar, etc...) noregen
2006-03-27 17:41:14 |
Put some mobs in groups similar to character groups - e.g. a single mob that is the tank with good AC and takes all the hits (until dead) and hitter mobs
2006-03-27 18:23:59 |
ive been noticing a lot more gear damage lately, is that in the new mobspecs design? ifso could you offset smith some, it costs me about 20-75k a run
2006-03-27 18:54:20 |
The spell command only takes the last argument passed. IE: "grspell shield" and "spell illusory shield" return "shield 10 mana"
2006-03-27 18:58:30 |
make exemplary stike force the mob in current combat with the bzk to hit after all groupis in direct combat with that mob. it would make it a much more
2006-03-27 19:20:11 |
mindbender spell called synapsis castable on others, next spell the target casts does more damage and costs less to cast, and the mindbender loses a
2006-03-27 22:25:48 |
queue list instead of "group me" list for lords. add yourself to a queue for a group. if someone decides to lead a run, "group queue" will automatically group as many as can be grouped in the queue.
2006-03-27 23:07:12 |
a spell called betablock that shields against migrane
2006-03-27 23:58:42 |
distract-bodyguard skill to distract a mob while an assassin/rogue sneaks up to backstab.
2006-03-28 03:32:12 |
playerinfo insert <line#> <text> and playerinfo delete <line#> --- Would allow us to update our playerinfo
2006-03-28 05:08:34 |
assassins as a hunter/killer is smart enough to have both the map and beast lore
2006-03-28 08:17:28 |
add a help vote on how to vote for avatar on top mudsites, let it include both the normal url and a direct link for voting.
2006-03-28 18:29:07 |
limit the number of mobs in noctopia shift to 4 pls! its practically suicide with only 4, let alone 7 or 8
2006-03-28 20:03:03 |
can we PLEASE have more slots for insure? lots
2006-03-29 00:16:00 |
how about a griffon remort option?
2006-03-29 02:59:35 |
keys should be included with portals and nexii to be imp'd in sanc. else keys just sit there making quests that much easier (ie House of Quests keys)
2006-03-29 11:44:01 |
why not give fence to shadowfist? they seem well capable of fencing things, at least as well as a monk does and they get it at hero 7
2006-03-29 12:07:38 |
make teleport and portal check their targets the same way. Currently it sometimes leads to different targets. Confusing.
2006-03-29 15:04:16 |
Add an automorph chance, from 500 to 999 slowly increasing.. like 50% at 999 and next-to-nothing at 500.
2006-03-29 17:38:33 |
Have the Exp/TNL thing show exp earned at HERO as well. Not just to lv51
2006-03-29 18:07:12 |
shouldn't bodyguards get toss? clerics get it, and bodyguards seem like they'd be better at tossing than clerics.
2006-03-29 19:53:42 |
make shadowform in class for sors, and give it to them at lowmort
2006-03-29 20:45:46 |
Make wake other only work for leader, especially due to the nuisance people waking someone at lord.
2006-03-29 22:13:54 |
25-50% damage increase for lords
2006-03-29 22:42:34 |
have older characters (determined by hours online) gain wis/int and lose str/dex/con
2006-03-29 22:46:01 |
50% increae in chance of bash if you are initiating w/ bash instead of kill (people use kill, bash after the tank attacks, I figure if they would just bash,
2006-03-30 14:17:49 |
Could use a message to self when scarring/damage resets the berserk counter
2006-03-30 16:55:59 |
maybe on the who list there should be a 4th category... mortals, heroes, high mortals, transcension (for legends- transcension cus tri-being 3- and ascend to lord hence transcend and thus, the legend tier on who list being - |BK|Transcension
2006-03-30 17:07:25 |
major ward is buggy
2006-03-30 17:50:39 |
the ability to set WIMPY to a percentage of hit points - any - and have it adjust automatically to match whatever your current HP total is
2006-03-31 02:01:58 |
make a better and attractive desc. on
2006-03-31 05:25:44 |
Rogue skill - shows a (LOCKED) (UNLOCKED (CLOSED) (OPEN) etc flag on exits and chests
2006-03-31 14:45:47 |
:cackle: add as a prerequisite to intercede - 'The bodyguard must NOT be hidden or invisible in order to rescue his charge'. Ppl will hate me for
2006-03-31 14:48:59 |
And while you're at it, bzk bzk should go visible at the highest stage of berserking.. have it cancel sneak
2006-03-31 16:22:46 |
could help news be updated to reflect the extensive stat/tier/regen/etc. changes? the imm notes eventually purge, and people who log in after not
2006-03-31 17:19:28 |
when player misses vs midcombat with config -battleself, it should say that it misses instead of just nothing. config +battleself states when it misses, but config -battleself doesn't
2006-03-31 19:07:50 |
rogues need shrike style because when the hell is a shf gonna use vital shot w/ vital counteR? :D mostly I understand killer instinct being bci only, but a form of shrike style @ lord for tanking rogues could be highly useful
2006-03-31 19:23:23 |
make autogroup work when you're afk
2006-03-31 23:57:50 |
remove and affect from an item, should
2006-03-31 23:57:59 |
for the qpcatalog