Ideas |
2005-07-09 09:54:21 |
hmm if bullets arent special items for gnome boomstick and arblast can archers maybe druids have the ability to make em say 200 for arblast level 20 for
2005-07-09 19:37:58 |
Oh well, Auto-hate racial or auto-despise upon entering a room a race with a bad disposition toward another would automatically attack it.
2005-07-09 23:28:38 |
the more people you level while you lead, the more people you can hold and get rid of groupsize caps
2005-07-10 14:22:34 |
i think bzk should get double parry. they get dodge. they may as well be able to parry too.
2005-07-10 20:56:48 |
crossblade- Asn lord cd *cheer* - By taking 2 weapons of equal level, an asn can attempt to craft a blade that utilizes one weapon's blade as a crossblade afixed perpedicular to a normal weapon. This makes the weapon EXTREMLY fragile, and very few
2005-07-11 05:31:15 |
Why can't there be a different nameauthinfo when a player creates a new character? For example: When you get to this question: Are you already an experienced MUDder? Whenever a player chooses "No", The message should be something like: "Please Help us welcome our brand new mudder...Thist". And we should keep the same message
2005-07-11 10:43:49 |
easier for drc's to remort into dragon
2005-07-11 13:28:12 |
Let psions with bio-empathy prac'd cast all self only spells on others.
2005-07-11 16:28:07 |
allow black circle initiates access to the identify spell. They have the ability to enchant their items, but they seem to be required to do it blindly. One would
2005-07-11 19:56:03 |
have armorstone, armorscale etc give a slight damage bonus for monks. hurts more to get punch with stone than flesh
2005-07-12 01:48:53 |
make nexus prereq for seal
2005-07-12 01:53:21 |
make fly, stone skin, shield prereq for foci
2005-07-12 02:44:01 |
ingame echoes (example: alias managear take all:wear all:echo in mana gear)
2005-07-12 03:04:21 |
the magical bric-a-brac says "Ooooh! A Leather/Iron/Steel skin pill!" leather skin is not a spell, and steel skin is not a spell either! this offends me. pls change to "Ooooh! An iron skin and steel skeleton spell pill!"
2005-07-12 03:21:24 |
prompt option that shows the room's exits
2005-07-12 03:33:48 |
I think it would be rather helpful to be able to read helps while in lag from restring/sharpen or fletching
2005-07-12 17:18:50 |
Make sense weakness usable mid-round. Having it start a fight makes it so that it's not very worthwhile to use for a BCI.
2005-07-12 17:46:53 |
"the ____ mindbender" is currently an autotitle for psi. now that we have a class named mnd perhaps this should change?
2005-07-12 19:43:40 |
Ok, since any idea for Asns are too powerful, and having no CD's at lord.. how about a message for them when they use i.s. on a snipe? I don't notice it, and
2005-07-13 09:50:13 |
gar's should be bigger, what would make a better bodyguard than a freakin sheet of rock, come on man :P
2005-07-13 10:19:08 |
when the target of salv dies, have it cut lag
2005-07-13 13:51:36 |
have bash success work be connected with size
2005-07-14 01:13:40 |
a command that lists class definers for classes like help cd-psi would list all skills only psi get
2005-07-14 19:19:38 |
Create an imm level command that will flag a pfile as needing a new name. Next time they log on, they'll need to pick a new name. Assign an imm to review
2005-07-14 23:56:49 |
include the word "namethank" in the message a player receives when namethanked...somewhere.
2005-07-15 00:03:34 |
a charge shield that kept mobs from fleeing would be awesome
2005-07-15 18:08:18 |
Skills for any of the classes, at lord that only work when A group size is below a certain number.
2005-07-15 19:19:54 |
Hypermorality, like regeneration should only work with people you are grouped with.
2005-07-15 23:26:10 |
we have prestige why not prestige races?