Ideas |
2005-05-28 14:40:40 |
for nosun races, even with dark embrace affecting them reduce regen rates by 50% because they are still afraid of the sun. without dark embrace should be no regen as normal. |
2005-05-28 15:38:32 |
add ac to a viable prompt output, already has gold weight, surge/augment/quicken why not ac?
2005-05-28 19:35:24 |
Give wizards a chance to change classes/races since many have become near useless with the wisdom requirements on spells.
2005-05-28 21:16:20 |
how about we let gargoyle's have higher hp gains? they have the same con as giants put still only get around orc gains
2005-05-28 23:21:50 |
make asn prc for rog *blink* honestly, we would have more assassins wondering around...
2005-05-28 23:49:16 |
add a level 2 prc of any createable race to the quest catalog. Or maybe just include that in the current remort prizes you can choose.
2005-05-29 05:41:42 |
for further spellbooks, make the quest require the use of flash to obtain the next spellbook. ie. a tough mob that can't be killed until you flash it, and once flashed, mob doesn't hit
2005-05-29 07:06:31 |
my bloodlust is broken 1/3 the time i get a kill i dont gain hps
2005-05-29 10:58:16 |
Reputation could give a neat message when it activates to other players
2005-05-29 13:20:58 |
modify word of recall: divine casters can cast it upon afk or linkdead members of their group to have them recall
2005-05-29 22:33:27 |
give bzk's in class corpse eat? what's crazier then eating the corpse of your slain opponent? could ven be for less or no hp just need that skill :)
2005-05-30 11:23:24 |
Yeah I know this may be scoffed at. Lord level Taunt, allows reputation to be activated. Even though I feel its a good idea if done right, somehow, I realise its abusable.
2005-05-30 12:17:46 |
a flag in whois that tells whether a lord is on mid or another plane, makes it easy to know where your friends are
2005-05-30 12:17:58 |
A skill unnamed - Goldenstrike plus sneak attack damage? lord level, or shf hero level 500
2005-05-30 17:49:51 |
make skinnable corpses not subject to the new deaths that were put in recently. having a skinnable corpse combust is rather annoying, but i can imagine it would be flat out horrible to happen during the UD quest for instand.
2005-05-30 20:57:31 |
Aggressive stationary mobs should notice when intruders are one room away. If the intruders stay too long, it will "drag" one into its room.
2005-05-30 23:04:38 |
maybe the area command could have alphabetical options too, like area a would list all the ones starting with a, etc.
2005-05-30 23:47:56 |
Feeblemind - Mindbender cd - Advanced scramble, target becomes unable to communicate intelligently if affected. Possibly old drunk effect.
2005-05-30 23:55:26 |
druid cd - healing wind - cures all in room (varies with level of caster) and removes caster from combat for x rounds with same amount of lag
2005-05-31 00:52:11 |
when a mob aggies you you should auto return a hit, i mean if something was to hit you you'd immediately respond, you ARE ready for a fight after all (more often then not)
2005-05-31 17:09:11 |
a warrior type class that is baised on HR instead of DR
2005-05-31 17:28:41 |
wizard portal lock - with this skill anyone trying to portal directly to the wizard whom casts this, gets a "your spell fizzles" message.
2005-05-31 17:28:54 |
When you use the wake command to wake up, have it automatically look at the room. Most people will look around when they awaken. This does not happen when you are woken
2005-05-31 17:36:04 |
One can successfully cast fear on tranquil races, but not calm. This seems backwards: fear shoould fail, and calm should be easy to cast on tranquil folks
2005-05-31 23:15:16 |
When a player with racial 'eat corpse' eats the corpse of a mob that was spec_undead, it makes them sick ... poison maybe.
2005-06-01 03:14:10 |
monk specific gear to improve monks as hitters. light slot ger to improve
2005-06-01 16:49:52 |
every time you die, some small mod gets added to your character such as a permanent -2 to alignment or two more experience to level
2005-06-01 21:35:18 |
consider putting in another an etch mob since there's only one?
2005-06-01 22:43:30 |
Toss/Trip should be disabled in a 'full' water room. When swimming it wouldnt be feasible to actually trip someone. And tossing someone would displace you as well since you have nothing to brace yourself against.
2005-06-01 23:06:38 |
Bloodlust should not function for lord berserkers on Midgaard. It
2005-06-01 23:58:13 |
i was thinking of bards, make them able to cast used range and melee but non proficient in any, spells like singing to calm enemies ionstead of sleep
2005-06-02 01:30:42 |
give half races (such as half elf or half orc) the ability to remort into either full race (human or elf for hel...orc or human for hor) at lord 1
2005-06-02 04:46:14 |
call the ent banker in mervue elken, for old time's sake/people who hate change/people who don't want to change
2005-06-02 06:04:41 |
When jailing someone for whatever reason, you can atleast right a note about it on board 2 stating the REASON!
2005-06-02 16:23:50 |
an xp bonus for diversity in groups
2005-06-02 18:15:54 |
evolutionary racial system:Increase in experience allows more access to innate potential. Get points at 2, 25, Hero 1/50
2005-06-02 20:31:52 |
Any chance in making braces holdable by the number in the brace? for example hold 500, for a 500 brac
2005-06-03 10:26:28 |
Paladin Oath of Righteous Revenge. Pre-req: Oath of Leadership (to avoid abuse). Requirement: When Paladin's groupie dies, Paladin is unable to flee and must kill the killer. Huge xp loss for failing to avenge (dying). If Paladin fails vengeance too often, oath broken. Benefit: Upon groupie death, Paladin receives floating object for duration of battle (longer?) that gives hit/dam & AC bonus.
2005-06-03 12:09:35 |
run command. quadruples mv cost, triples damage if hit by a mob, halves the chance of a mob hitting you if you run past. anyone in grp runs, all run.
2005-06-03 20:45:10 |
a seperate help highest, one for prc only ( help highest <argument>, common, prc, remort... ect... would make for easyer updating...
2005-06-04 00:12:46 |
When an exit is walled with thorns, we should not be able to see mobs in that dir at all as if no dir even existed that way or the door was closed, but I don't know if we can code that.