Ideas |
2004-12-04 12:12:24 |
tattoo shop, customize your character with tattoos,
2004-12-04 14:43:12 |
oops ment random perfect gem bag as a catalogue item leave it up to you how you calcultae n umber and variety
2004-12-04 15:21:46 |
lord skill, monks catch arrow
2004-12-04 15:39:23 |
new spell for psis brainwash to let enemies forget their spells or skills
2004-12-04 15:40:31 |
catch weapon for psis
2004-12-04 17:46:28 |
update a few of the hero weapons from older hero areas like veil and borely manner and dragon crypt make them 10/10 weapons like most hero stuff?:)
2004-12-04 23:07:38 |
make mobs' standard arrows less powerful against player armor, and give appropriately powerful arrow types to the mobs that are indended to hit hard
2004-12-05 01:02:52 |
why dont critical falure portals randomly portal to some other mob? or have a chance to bamf ppl entering it heh
2004-12-05 05:11:09 |
age (as on Score) make it so that 100 hours of REAL TIME equal 1 year of character life. as a character gets older, age becomes a hinderance
2004-12-05 07:37:25 |
Can we have the ability to deposit all.gemstone at a bank?
2004-12-05 08:53:00 |
is it possible to make the auto-recall or auto-trans during combat when someone goes linkdead on purpose a toggle? to prevent people from getting
2004-12-05 09:19:12 |
change help highest, how about when you do help <race> at the bottom it lists the highest PCs of that race? help ent, help plus all the high ents of each
2004-12-05 14:01:24 |
As a midround skill, allow the player to change up who gets hit first in a round so as to make their vital shot hit.
2004-12-06 06:42:11 |
help golem has the gargoyle class ... shouldnt this be gargoyle race?
2004-12-06 11:43:58 |
for the holy sight spell. add a placeholder affect/spell that shows you're affected by holy sight, along with the individual spells. similar to the place
2004-12-06 12:08:32 |
put autoassist back in
2004-12-06 14:48:16 |
a command to deside what letters in name that should be caps, instead of desiding each login
2004-12-06 21:16:57 |
toggleable skill, psis, costs them 2-3x as much mana, but they can cast in no-cast rooms...they use their minds afterall...just make them "concentrate"
2004-12-07 00:03:16 |
Any chance we could get a message for when a shrine is made, similar to planar anchor
2004-12-07 00:35:53 |
make forced rescue not work for class's who dont get rescue.
2004-12-07 11:52:45 |
Code help highest so that the player who gets the level first retains the title until the challenger passes them. Currently the challenger will replace the
2004-12-10 00:12:56 |
midround for archers that doesnt take an extra round of preperation
2004-12-10 00:20:27 |
a mana burn spell that does damage to the players mana and possibly a proportional amount of damage to that players hp
2004-12-10 06:20:19 |
failed spells start fights solo but not when grouped
2004-12-10 07:39:20 |
you should have a skill to triple or double fletch productivity
2004-12-10 18:03:05 |
consummation NEEDS to work for kicks as well as normal monk hits
2004-12-10 23:11:36 |
Make the password command require the new-password to be typed twice, to prevent bad passwords by checking for differences between the two passwords. Some of us are on telnet, and can't review what was typed, and this may help.