ostat modification, allow use of vnum after ostat to ostat a particular vnum from files without loading or having the item otherwise in existance. Usage would
Level 3.
2004-08-01 03:11:23
make sanctum command not work if you are already in it. ie. why type sanctum if you are sanc e? would make ppl less lazy.
Sanctum must die.
2004-08-01 14:08:14
arcane awareness, tells how many charges are left on an item when holding
Level 2. Needs a better name.
2004-08-01 22:14:17
fix help death shroud syntax, can't target anymore
lvl 1
2004-08-03 00:21:01
In anticipation of anything Snikt may do at lord tier, and to be logical, change 'af' to alias 'affects' and not 'afk'.
lvl 2; put afk below affects in command list
2004-08-03 01:44:03
Bad Deck for Bad people, random negative only cards. Punishments for those who don't want to waste any more time thinking about just how mean to be to stupid people than they already spent deciding to deal with them.
If an imm wants to make one, have at it.
2004-08-05 04:31:21
allow insightful strike to set hdl?
Side affect of the way it's coded, sorry.
2004-08-06 03:49:28
tua needs a '*' next to it on help race, as it's only available to liz/trg on remort.
2004-08-06 20:23:36
i been skinning and have lost both a bowie knife and a ogre gaunt