Ideas |
2004-02-14 02:04:47 |
needle tooth gun as a weapon - shoots sharp teeth like a small crossbow, one-handed
2004-02-14 02:08:42 |
demonic transformation, a spell that can only be cast on pets that changes into evil version of pts
2004-02-14 03:34:00 |
add room message to succesful pure touch
2004-02-14 04:00:45 |
hero 500 rogue skill, chance of getting upped damage of backstab (about one dam verb) (possibly 1/3 chance to land this skill, and if failed adds extra half of round lag to Backstab) could possibly be a toggle.
2004-02-14 10:29:28 |
The game lets me try bashdoor without having practiced the skill or wearing a shield.
2004-02-14 10:43:01 |
priest spell when casted on tank or leader, allows them to lead more people.
2004-02-14 12:11:47 |
have doors in areas that only open during ceratin times of that day. Thjanks
2004-02-14 15:32:16 |
scost, skills, and spells are all not working properly. They aren't showing even close to everything learnable,
2004-02-14 15:36:25 |
More on the bug I just posted. I couldn't find desiccate, despite having it (it's set to level 800 for sages). I then changed my class to something that gets it at hero, and it was findable again. Imms should be able to see everything, not just in-class.
2004-02-14 17:29:09 |
Level based info ie. able to see lord deaths but not hero deaths.
2004-02-14 18:10:36 |
when logging out, who group automatically removes you
2004-02-14 19:13:37 |
for putting objects in containers, can you adjust the code so that it does not attempt to put them in something you are wearing? can cause problems with gear aliases and when objects were pulled from containers or picked up. Having it only put objects into a container in your inventory would be much better, and easier.
2004-02-14 21:34:17 |
have rest and sleep make you automatically land and clear the racial fly affect.
2004-02-15 00:11:46 |
There should be a remort class similiar to High Elves but it should be that elves remort to High Elves and Drow Remort to High Drow...they can be similiar with a few racial differences.
2004-02-15 00:36:09 |
With flash, you can still blind mobs in safe rooms. Pets of other characters are also subsceptible to this.
2004-02-15 02:17:50 |
make hero and lord channels accessible to remorts of all levels
2004-02-15 05:22:58 |
The sorcerer slist is pretty thin between lvls 15 and 35 damage spell wise. Perhaps add one more between of similar function as leech and vampire touch? Also, perhaps a lord level more advanced vampire touch-type spell? 200hp heal 100 mana cost?
2004-02-15 07:56:27 |
spell called potency similar to surge augment etc increases the chance that a creature will either fail there saving throw to spells mainly im angling to increase the more uses for dispel magic web sleep etc against hero mobs these spells very rarely work
2004-02-15 08:06:50 |
blood scent as a sor hero 500 skill
2004-02-15 08:57:03 |
set herochat bw, your herochat will be now displayed in bold white - set <chan> <color code>
2004-02-15 09:41:07 |
unworship cost should be reset at remort/rebuild etc. The auto unworship makes the cost INSANE after a few turns. :p 1625 and counting...
2004-02-15 11:39:45 |
should get teaching skill at high hero "you can teach to hero 101"- say hero 500-600ish
2004-02-15 11:55:28 |
mid rounder attack for rogues, we really do need something to do before we get quickstrike honest its so weird not being able to smash or hold and stuff :p
2004-02-15 11:58:11 |
demon courrier: carries stuff to a willing shoppie for a 10% fee. surcharge if no one wants the item. (total 20% fee if demonbank is also on)
2004-02-15 16:30:52 |
Let at least the sages see the slist and hlist for them
2004-02-15 16:45:41 |
The drink commands during the fate quest are a little screwy - someone else drinks, and "you" are whisked away to where it all began...odd?
2004-02-15 17:41:39 |
lower smithing costs -- with the decreased funds received from saccing corpses, it changes the flow of money
2004-02-15 20:46:02 |
I don't ever successfully quicken the first spell I cast after turning quicken on. Is this a bug? or intentional?
2004-02-15 20:50:57 |
help ritual - "Their power is so great, multiple casters are required for a single ritual." maybe if a single caster could contribute more power, less casters would be required? maybe make the cost go up exponentially.. for example, if i wanted to take the place of someone else, it would cost me twice the spell cost, but three people would cost me 4 times the cost.
2004-02-15 21:26:13 |
allow webs to stack as the victim becomes more and more smothered in the stickyness
2004-02-16 01:22:27 |
I've had my shadow stats rerolled several time--I seem to consitantly get spr war 750 stats (about 5khp 1kmana)--isn't shadow supposed to be based on level 999 stats or the stats you morphed with? been lord for...5 years(?), so doubt my shadow stats are based on what I morphed with :p
2004-02-16 02:34:05 |
victim stat decreasing shield charges. Lord level
2004-02-16 03:02:54 |
double smash....smash with wield and offhand at once, greater chance of miss and greater lag
2004-02-16 04:11:15 |
Make Legend based on race: Still focused in on grouping, but have each race sort of have a niche, slightly modified by class....maybe in such a way that having a "odd" class/combo can significantly help a grougr
2004-02-16 06:42:26 |
Clerics should be updated, perhaps help file wise at least in accordance with the deities inclusion, since they may have been form by tul at one point but not all worship her, unless tul is a req requirement of cleric *waits for flames*
2004-02-16 06:49:20 |
at present, deities are chosen more for who gives what bonus when where and why, i.e which god gives more mana, not really how it should be? or is it? perhaps a decision on what is wanted and making it more clear. i.e clerics and monks pretty much alrdy have gorn and tul as almost class reqs to become 'more than they are' ..
2004-02-16 06:49:46 |
a remove etch command
2004-02-16 08:23:22 |
plz allow keywords of the statue NAME in statues in temple
2004-02-16 10:11:42 |
when you where a mob in an area would be nice if it showed every occurence of that mob in the area. Thanks
2004-02-16 12:33:38 |
Give healers the option to sell remove curse spells
2004-02-16 13:06:16 |
config spellnone option - prevents you from seeing results of dw, acidrain etc. Great for cutting down spam on large runs
2004-02-16 14:21:55 |
method of selling back stats for pracs, ie trade in 1000hp for 250pracs, 1/4 value
2004-02-16 14:43:53 |
a spell/skill (mage?/sor?/other?) that lets you see no-spell rooms on scan, after all highly magical classes should be able to tell if magic is drained
2004-02-16 15:15:40 |
for a quest prize, change class and demote to lvl 2 than promote to lvl 50
2004-02-16 16:17:17 |
fix thren message to %1 also mourns for THE corpse of %2 instead of mourns for corpse of %2
2004-02-16 17:17:49 |
an insure cancel all syntax, would be very usefull for when swapping gear between alts that havent been set to altof yet...
2004-02-16 18:47:22 |
u should be able to quicken skills with the cost of moves, it makes sense, ur just moving faster
2004-02-16 20:16:18 |
the fact that a no-fearing kzin can be scared out of the a room is just crazy to me, kzins shouldnt be able to be feard out of rooms OR they should be able to c fear self
2004-02-16 20:39:53 |
when you remort you become a whole new race/class, how about a whole new name!
2004-02-16 21:05:31 |
'help drow' mentions the evil nature of the drow...racial evil, perhaps?
2004-02-16 21:40:13 |
how about a spell for sors that lowers alignment?
2004-02-16 21:41:29 |
priests should get to pick their alignment, so that there can be evil priests
2004-02-16 21:41:55 |
evil priests would get the same spells but everything would work in reverse, alignment-wise
2004-02-16 22:53:15 |
as you gain every 10 lvls, for drgs racial breathe incraese, for rogs bs increase, damage increases for psi/mags...etc...
2004-02-16 23:09:34 |
we need a spec_munhihausen, for new and fresh mob sayings
2004-02-16 23:41:33 |
Allow to remort into a hybrid race--part current race, part some other race. short would be Hyb, but there would be tons of different kinds of Hyb.
2004-02-17 00:04:21 |
it'd be neat if it showed a list of preachable spells when i type "preach" without any arguments
2004-02-17 07:30:43 |
make thorngate centre inside to stop screamspam! :P
2004-02-17 08:09:00 |
Name the 2 different rivers something other than rivers of avatar. The west one could be officially named 'crystal river' the other one I don't know...
2004-02-17 12:36:20 |
new spell - protection neutrality :p
2004-02-17 13:11:17 |
taint dropping and afk. Since bandwith and going afk to wait out taint seem to be incompatable at the moment perhaps a solution would be to allow the taint timer unlike other timers to run while a sor is offline. i understand there would be a potential problem with multiplaying regen and other spells dropping so perhaps at sor's election a flag(?) could be set treating teh sor as on for all purposes.
2004-02-17 14:48:44 |
rituals for use in combat - boost damage/ac for duration of fight
2004-02-17 14:54:20 |
dark pact - lord sor cd castable on self, set alignment to -1000
2004-02-17 15:07:14 |
In bonusdeck for the deckgame, add a card that gives +X questpoints
2004-02-17 15:24:22 |
prs remort at lord, cle remort at legend: bishop. basically even cooler than prs, since it's like 2nd remort maybe someone cool like a limit of how many there can be at a time in the realm, like 9
2004-02-17 15:27:03 |
not sure if bug, but can't see condition of eq when in bag
2004-02-17 16:10:47 |
put questpoints in the "worth" command? it'd be convenient... or perhaps shorten the command to see it to qp?
2004-02-17 17:47:39 |
message in room from which corpse is transported out when a corpse gets eulogy/threnody
2004-02-17 18:06:37 |
Especially now with the addition of the Turn Demon spell, please include more undead mobs. Really, we have a severe lack of such mobs. Killing mobs like peasants isn't terribly heroic, imho.
2004-02-17 18:58:08 |
monthly lotto for gf'ed race/class alts, similar to merck's for a prs
2004-02-17 19:23:31 |
psi CD twin - binds wield/offhand into one for most purposes. lord+ level
2004-02-17 20:43:11 |
weapon lore should allow you to see condition on thrown and poisoned weapons
2004-02-17 22:06:53 |
when seeing a player that's just pshifted, it'd be nice if it said %1 is fading into this plane
2004-02-17 23:51:57 |
a skill for a rog to follow someone without them actually knowing they are being followed...also could be used to enhance backstab...not sure of skill name though...will idea one when I think of it
2004-02-17 23:52:06 |
HELP QUEST TEAM still has Reuben as the quest immortal. Quest team members listed also needs an update.
2004-02-18 00:30:18 |
A better explanation on how open hand works.
2004-02-18 08:11:42 |
how about a stat called intimidation or something. maybe takes 7-8 pracs per point and for every five points you have above the mob you're fighting, you get a percentage bonus to hr or something. also works against you with bigger mobs
2004-02-18 09:50:59 |
gate key does not work on both side
2004-02-18 10:36:54 |
I want auto-grammar correct and auto-capitalization AND auto-punctuation on herochat.
2004-02-18 12:11:39 |
psi's should get locate object also...makes sense given their advanced mind powers and they get keyfinder , fits with the psi's ability to "sense objects"
2004-02-18 13:25:43 |
God-specific areas. Ex: werredan area full of warrior mobs, roi archers, bhyss mob-casters, etc. Better if good gear for respective class?
2004-02-18 13:26:21 |
God-specific gear? Ex: amulet of tor - dex bonus, tor-favored skill bonus, etc
2004-02-18 13:34:03 |
mental link - psi cd - cast on target player to reduce their mana regen to 0 and give the mana instead to the psion.
2004-02-18 13:35:09 |
Since the idea for gear that enhances offensive spell damage is already approved, how about gear that enhances healing ability for the clerics and priests?
2004-02-18 13:35:13 |
manablast - character sacrifices self to boost mana of everyone in room that the blaster exploded in
2004-02-18 13:36:21 |
daemon pact - sor cd - reduce xp gains for duration increase mana regen, cannot be dispelled, cannot be cast over or with taint
2004-02-18 13:59:29 |
mind rot: advanced form of scramble, causes damage, lowers int more, in addition to negating spell casting
2004-02-18 14:04:26 |
psychasthenia: psi spell that breaks downblood/tissue cells of victem, causing loss of hp due to bleeding from pores, eyes, fingertips, etc. hp reduction is spell length or50% of total hp whichever isreater. (creative text potential for writer :P)
2004-02-18 14:07:40 |
psychic venom: pre-req bio empathy; manipulate cells of target to become toxic thus poisoning them for a period of time.
2004-02-18 14:20:05 |
A repellant Broo Wizard sacrifices the corpse to Buddha! ....
2004-02-18 15:01:29 |
psi spell: 'addle infest' where psion invades a victims mind, confusing them. When cast on a mob or pc it would do things like make them go east when they typed west or cast different spells than they intended, like magic light instead of disintegrate or make them bash instead of flee.
2004-02-18 15:11:19 |
sorry ..realized mistake in psychasthnia idea, the 50% reduction is not all at once but over spell length, so if spell last for 10tics then only that % of hp will be lost, can be regenerated at normal rate
2004-02-18 16:28:40 |
rogue skill - peek <player> <container/bag>
2004-02-18 16:37:27 |
A racial similar to NoSun, except the sunlight actually _hurts_ you
2004-02-18 20:06:37 |
'time warp' a spell when cast on target lags them for a specified time where they can't hit or do anything. I'm thinking just a burst of energy or something that slows time down in its bubble.
2004-02-18 20:51:58 |
a config to block out take/get etc. might reduce lag on big lord runs with everyone fdango/etcing
2004-02-18 21:19:26 |
automatically cancel salvation when the person you are attempting it on dies... kind of makes sense (not to mention how much lag it saves)
2004-02-18 21:37:22 |
can we have a help quickstrike at level 125 to mention that you can aim at specific targets?
2004-02-18 23:33:25 |
the ancient bronze wyrm area has no help file..if it matters :P
2004-02-19 02:11:55 |
let prs initiate salvation
2004-02-19 02:26:24 |
Throwing weapons pullable from corpse. Works with autopull
2004-02-19 03:15:18 |
can nothing be done to further reduce lord battlespam? Perhaps option to completely turn off viewing of damage done by others/self? Possibly at lord?
2004-02-19 03:32:08 |
Remort for gno/dgn. Don't know name. Stronger, smarter, slower. Fun racials (?)
2004-02-19 04:03:59 |
Allow people that fail morph and fall below level 500 hero to practice skills that are level 500.
2004-02-19 05:09:25 |
Dispel magic to work outside of arena properly, if there is a pvp problem, perhaps make it configurable to allow each player to toggle whether he or she wishes to be dispelled to prevent accidental dispelling, dispel magic is so rarely used these days
2004-02-19 05:28:52 |
I disarmed an antharian knight and he immediately re-equipped the his offhand. don't know if this is a bug
2004-02-19 05:57:23 |
pretitles before names paid by Qpts .. if codable.
2004-02-19 08:28:56 |
sage- Ancient Wisdom- allows runes to be written on walls and in the air. Varying runes
2004-02-19 08:31:10 |
create effects such as damage reduction
2004-02-19 08:31:29 |
players and creatures within the same alignment of the caster.
2004-02-19 08:33:13 |
"Skin RUne" yes I know it seems like a
2004-02-19 08:36:15 |
by an opponent triggers things such as
2004-02-19 08:38:53 |
sandstorm/dex mod combo or heal/faerie
2004-02-19 08:42:00 |
Also nonbattle oriented runes include-
2004-02-19 08:42:41 |
by 10% each with a drawback of a
2004-02-19 08:43:14 |
Lots of nifty combos, simply the idea is
2004-02-19 08:43:30 |
wise. Will generate name ideas if wanted, upon request.
2004-02-19 13:42:43 |
change the you are sucked into the void message to 'You are taken away by imps.'
2004-02-19 13:50:03 |
have stomp mobs take partial or maybe percentage of hp off the item instead of automatically destroying it... that way a lowmort mob can't destroy a lord item in one go
2004-02-19 13:51:17 |
how about lowmort mobs NOT being able to stomp lord eq, just damage it?
2004-02-19 13:51:43 |
oh, cause I lost another silver sword but this time to a lowmort mob
2004-02-19 14:13:00 |
reinforce should prevent gear from being stomped, would get people to use the spell
2004-02-19 17:16:08 |
add a gemstone worth 5 million to accomadate some of the larger gear purchases.
2004-02-19 19:18:41 |
if a player is tracking, and they enter a room that prohibits tracking, they are unable to "track self" to disable it
2004-02-19 19:36:46 |
Auto-morph sors at hero666.
2004-02-19 20:34:31 |
make all of the little mobs in the torch of flames quest assassinate to make it more interesting.
2004-02-19 20:53:49 |
if we lose experience when we flee, mobs should give off more experience when they flee
2004-02-19 21:00:14 |
on who hero and lord switch out the race with class, knowing someones class seems more important than their race to me...
2004-02-19 21:08:40 |
a config toggle that allows you to look at players without seeing their gear (player description only)
2004-02-19 21:10:34 |
make each spell in aegis come with an accompaning statement extolling the virtues of tul-sith to the affected player
2004-02-19 21:35:36 |
change 's' to not mean 'self' so that when you 'kill s' or 'k s' you attack whatever else is in the room that starts with 's'.
2004-02-19 21:46:46 |
When trying to 'donate # coins' I get the message 'YOu do not have that item.' (It says you can do this on 'help donation'
2004-02-19 21:55:25 |
Could a message be added for when a sorceror loses the double experience modifier with taint? Currently there is none.
2004-02-19 21:59:18 |
change help condition to not refer to general lore, as gen lore doesnt exist
2004-02-19 22:08:22 |
add a double remort option: Lord 200 (change race) + Lord 200 (chance class) + 100 equals lord 500 to change race and class
2004-02-19 23:12:45 |
Staff wields for magi. Possibly ind staff 'skills'? These staffs will have to be competitive with normal wields, but worse if not for their magic ability. skill e.g. - mana cost reduction, damage boost, etc
2004-02-19 23:42:53 |
berserker class: no mana hero/lowmort, skills purely physical, strong races lord gains mana, use mental energy to enhance attacks, smarter races gain advantage.
2004-02-20 00:34:51 |
syntax bl for buddylist
2004-02-20 00:40:55 |
weapon specializationspecializing in a cetain type of weapon, adds +hr/dr for that weapon type only *i know no weapon types have been created yet, just an idea if weapon typing goes i, which it should ;)*
2004-02-20 00:42:26 |
weapon mastery: same concept as specialization, but adds more hr/dr for specialized weapon type and adds -hr/dr when using other types.
2004-02-20 01:17:27 |
person joining group and leaving group messages for the nonleaders
2004-02-20 01:57:05 |
a psi spell that wussifies the target so they don't want to rescue.. for players and i guess mobs
2004-02-20 03:03:50 |
add enchants or similar skill for throwing weapons
2004-02-20 06:24:17 |
drop when i drop something in this area, i get a message "you put blank into your locker". and it successfully drops
2004-02-20 07:39:02 |
Board unsubscribe cmd, allows you to unsubscribe from all boards say, barring immortal, thus giving us the
2004-02-20 07:39:26 |
same with board subscribe of course .. toggle which boards we want to read and which we dont :)
2004-02-20 08:18:17 |
sage spell - research - used to learn more in a skill or spell, very long lag success grants +1% in skill or spell, possibly allow learning ooc spells or skills up to a certain max percentage with research. Sages do spend all their time learning new things and learning more about old things right?
2004-02-20 08:22:23 |
sage combat skill - sweep, staff only attack, causing minor damage, effective as trip
2004-02-20 08:31:11 |
sage combat skill - thrust, staff attack used while in combat to attack a mob not yet engaged in combat.
2004-02-20 08:34:19 |
priest spell - raise dead, act as gurney and a heal spell combined gives target -str and -con for a duration after being raised
2004-02-20 08:47:16 |
fun little messege at 500 hero to announce UD and morph eligability (if your crazy enough to try and morph at 500 that is :P)
2004-02-20 09:07:10 |
Tactics: each group member gains a % chance to land maximum number of hits in a round, grants a bonus to bash/toss/disarm success for each group member, gives a small bonus to any archers grouped to hit critical, lowers mob ac and hr some (flanking manuvers, improved teamwork of group, etc)
2004-02-20 09:49:43 |
new spell : Shrink allows you to adjust size of larger races like giants to a smaller size *if/when size is imp'd*
2004-02-20 10:12:06 |
Exp gain of 1 for a brilliant enchantment
2004-02-20 10:31:01 |
autobuddylist - shows who's on buddylist when you log on (after new note notifications)
2004-02-20 10:39:49 |
Skill or spell that allows you to see otherwise unnoticeable exits
2004-02-20 10:42:59 |
Mark of Death should be higher level
2004-02-20 13:52:11 |
skill 'sidestep' a defensive skill for when a mob lunges at you, you sidestep and throw them offbalance making them vulnerable for a short period of time
2004-02-20 13:56:08 |
skill 'lunge' an offensive attack can only be done with stab/slice/slash weapons, where person lunges forward seeking to plunge their weapon into the targets body for a increased amount of damage.
2004-02-20 14:19:35 |
remove the movement cost to some degree on lowmorts say up to lvl 5 or 10, halve the rate perhaps allowing the newbie to explore more without always having to go rest every 6 to 8 ticks or so, would be a big bonus to newer players
2004-02-20 14:25:10 |
This isn't an idea, but a compliment for ideas. You are doing a great job at making Avatar a more diverse, and fun game. I appreciate the constant modifications that make this game better.
2004-02-20 15:15:49 |
mobs can cast in nospell rooms
2004-02-20 17:16:12 |
have it so you can smith half way when you're out of money
2004-02-20 17:16:14 |
you should be able to partially smith items if you can't afford to get them fully smithed
2004-02-20 19:17:10 |
cast adrenaline auto goes to adrenaline control and 'Adrenaline control is a forgotten art. None teach it.'. It would make more sense to switch the order?
2004-02-20 19:23:26 |
add skill to mages/sorcerers 'magic familiarity', similar to aura focus, but higher level and performs on look/exa command.
2004-02-20 19:27:22 |
add lord-type immolation spell to cost 1000 mana and have a 0 tick modifier, if killed during 0 ticks, extraneous modifier to prevent spell from being recast, spell damage increase.
2004-02-20 19:28:36 |
make globe of darkness explode after its use, damaging pc/npc's of positive alignment.
2004-02-20 19:31:51 |
alter unholy bargain to +2000hp/+10000m restore and -1 wisdom if killed during its effect. prereq death shroud.
2004-02-20 19:33:54 |
lord skill for sorcerers, murderous glory, +500hp restore if you land the killing blow.
2004-02-20 20:43:39 |
when you look in certain directions i.e. look north it displays some sort of description in red (usually when theres a door) and in white it tells you whether the door is open or not. This white part comes directly after the red desc part a lot of the time,
2004-02-20 20:44:26 |
Sometimes it comes under the red desc part. Does this have to do with how the tilde is placed? It does it in this room if you don't know what I mean.
2004-02-20 21:10:27 |
saliri is not a keyword for saliri in caves of ancient evil
2004-02-20 23:45:53 |
mass sleep spell
2004-02-20 23:57:13 |
under the faq on the webpage who are the avatar staff needs updating
2004-02-21 00:25:29 |
Desecration: Works the same way as dispel evil but is effective against good aligned mobs/pcs. Lowmort sorceror spell.