Ideas |
2003-08-16 02:44:29 |
harmonize should show messages to everyone in the room the way the enchants do
2003-08-16 02:48:29 |
Sages spell that random raises a single skills my 5 points for 10 ticks.
2003-08-16 03:03:47 |
Sage spell Staff to Snake! Turn your staff into a serpent that attacks etc etc just a silly idea :P
2003-08-16 03:07:00 |
Skill/spell that makes sages %-wise invunerable to sneak attacks and out-of-the-ordinary backstab attacks based on level of attacker, name suitable foresight (rather than silly farsight)
2003-08-16 03:14:02 |
Sages again.. give em' Psychochemistry!
2003-08-16 03:15:28 |
Sorcerer idea "Black Doom" cast on self if sorcerer dies there corpse animates itself and fights as a lich with applicable hit/dam until it is killed and the sorcerer reclaims his corpse
2003-08-16 03:20:46 |
Sage idea: spell that allows them to "sense" repops within a room.
2003-08-16 03:27:52 |
have golden strike apply to claw attacks for bipedal chars
2003-08-16 04:20:43 |
have the prayer spell show up under spells for non-casting classes. Currently, it just shows "You do not know how to cast spells!"
2003-08-16 08:06:24 |
A new command, "talk" which will put a say before everything you type in.. or possibly communication channel of choice. For those lazy people who likes to talk a lot, or just paste a long joke.
2003-08-16 09:49:10 |
since martial artists have been replaced on the whole by monks, allow monks to have the respective skills at the martial artist lvl ie chin kang palm, buddha finger etc are all martial art hero skills at low lvl but monks are still kept at higher class lvl gain lumped with other classes. MA and monks should have both those skills at the same lvl perhaps, ?
2003-08-16 10:47:12 |
a psi cd with effect of movehidden, prereqs chameleon power and shadow form.
2003-08-16 10:53:14 |
Please send 14 copies of the current approved/going to be implemented list from the design website to everyone on the ideas mailer. Then people can stop sending in the same idea every week!
2003-08-16 11:08:16 |
the skill "switch target", self explanatory switches targets midbattle, should be only for wars.
2003-08-16 14:36:59 |
monk headbutt penatent bull technique? reverent bull technique? Reverant minotaur?
2003-08-16 15:07:26 |
$n is smashing everything in sight! giant rpose
2003-08-16 16:53:18 |
keyloot only able to loot keys from corpses and nothing else if toggled, kinda like gold only with autogold, means we can grab the keys without necessarily all the junk
2003-08-16 16:57:07 |
lord skill psion only-mind bleed- causes pinprick hemorages in the mob's brain each time it casts a spell. spell damage from mob either reduced or spell casting causes damage to the mob when mind bleed is used against opponent
2003-08-16 18:11:08 |
make spell dage fro mobs red
2003-08-16 18:41:04 |
update help ubercon
2003-08-16 18:57:17 |
mass dark embrace for lord level
2003-08-16 19:09:49 |
as the help file suggests, trogs emit a nauseous odor during battle, a trog has but infra .. perhaps a random discharge of poison or gas could be allowed with of course heavy recovery time, not however like the dragon breath but rather maybe something like a seeping across our skin, gradual poisoning thru claws or something but giving trogs a unique racial rather than just infra
2003-08-16 19:13:00 |
checked lord helps, i didnt find a help that mentioned group size, or a rough outline of potential roles, or types (authough there was a brief mention of gear runs in help lordgear) possible types could be xp, gear, cr, and reference to multi-spellup runs
2003-08-16 20:06:58 |
Add some Sage area, where they can find a fireplace to prepare they mixtures of herbs etc, maybe the area could include some garden and a herb shop...
2003-08-16 20:46:05 |
Add a sor spell that does absolutely nothing, or that causes large damage to the sor, don't tell the sors about it's affect, just let them try :) Sors are supposed to be evil, and evil likes to do evil stuff to them too :P (It could have some cute name so every sor would just try it out over and over) *bored*
2003-08-16 21:14:40 |
Make Rogues understand Thief Cant all the time, not only after typing speak thief cant after each relog, This is a bug and an idea :)
2003-08-16 21:21:14 |
sneak direction will allow Rogues to sneak into a room not beeing noticed at ALL (by mobs or longshot program) or simply allow sneaking one room at a time
2003-08-16 21:21:50 |
wizlist references help imm list, which as spelled, does not exist
2003-08-16 21:27:07 |
Add some Rogue quest that will allow them to use more of their skills. Free jail visits aren't that exciting in length :)
2003-08-16 22:43:38 |
mobs that walk around areas and kill other mobs. Like: A paladin that walks around Midraagria Plane and kills all evil mobs he encounters :)
2003-08-16 22:56:17 |
are the goblins in silmavar supposed to have an extra space at end of name?
2003-08-16 22:56:38 |
correct major ward help file. It says that it raises items by 2 levels when it actually raises hero items by 5
2003-08-17 01:11:38 |
make a new version of heroquest, one that is at least pretended to be balanced towards casters as well as characters that don't HAVE to cast/skill mid-round to kill and can just quaff quaff quaff, better yet would be a class specific heroquest and that's probably a builder/manpower issue cuz it's prolly be a tonne of work
2003-08-17 01:22:38 |
Help charge gives 2 listings for charge shield. same name. is this just a reflection of the different levels of charge (hero/lord) or is it an actual bug?
2003-08-17 04:38:50 |
add a "smiel" social for those who misstype smile. "You try to smile, but for some reason you only end up making a weird face."
2003-08-17 11:38:25 |
include astral shield in foci
2003-08-17 11:38:48 |
make it possible for half-elves to remort into high elves at lord 120.
2003-08-17 11:39:09 |
make it possible for half-elves to remort into high elves at lord 120.
2003-08-17 11:39:10 |
Sage's skill/spell foresight that increases their dodge/parry/block chance
2003-08-17 11:57:00 |
add the ability to reply to imms when silenced. And also to write personal notes and notes to host, exec, etc. groups when silenced or deprived the right to post notes.
2003-08-17 15:12:21 |
give some means of determining if it was you or the mob who logged the last
2003-08-17 15:28:35 |
echo command for alias, since alias doesn't show the commands as they work, this way we could use an echo in an alias to let us know where in the alias we are at and stuff like that.
2003-08-17 17:35:34 |
make sor pots "sor only"
2003-08-17 18:45:45 |
not sure if anyone sugested that already but autopull in score would be nice
2003-08-17 18:53:55 |
add a linkdead flag to people in buddyset. as it is right now they appear active, but arent connected to mud
2003-08-17 19:07:23 |
inclass fort, foci, and awen macro's give an extra 5 ticks. only the inclass ones though
2003-08-17 21:04:32 |
if monks are tanks i fell they get lead fellowship at the same level at war if not before
2003-08-17 21:24:13 |
make a lord meadow with lord level bunnies and a lord level golden hawk with lord newbie gear!
2003-08-17 22:15:45 |
i thought it might be a good idea to include how much mana the spell costs to cast in either the slearn (spellname) or help (spellname) help items.
2003-08-17 22:22:57 |
allow yell channel to be toggled off during sleep
2003-08-17 22:58:40 |
we should be able to rent as many lockers as we want
2003-08-17 23:01:45 |
report should include AC/HR/DR
2003-08-17 23:27:01 |
"virginize" spell requiring a sor, psi, cle, and mag, removes renames, alignments, and all previous enchantments, including etches.
2003-08-18 01:03:34 |
agreed, ( aug 9th post ) about notes to approved ideas, it would take a hell of alot longer if you had to write notes to the approved ideas, i feel the pain.
2003-08-18 01:05:36 |
arc skill target lets you target specific areas of a mob like vs does
2003-08-18 01:07:18 |
as per my last idea this skill could help arcs keep from getting really bored on runs
2003-08-18 02:22:41 |
when becoming adept at a skill, have the skill show up as a different color on 'practice' list
2003-08-18 03:47:26 |
make it possible for monks to charge the fists with magic, like fire fist etc
2003-08-18 05:58:25 |
have demonbank work for shopkeeper identify
2003-08-18 07:23:39 |
calm seems to remove sleep from mobs. Is this supposed to happen?
2003-08-18 08:45:01 |
bug in pet social: the ' in isn't is.. some odd character.
2003-08-18 09:26:09 |
change help pfile to reflect upon the new policy
2003-08-18 11:02:25 |
quickshot as an archer midrounder, eg faster than held thus less damage
2003-08-18 13:11:10 |
never quite understood why if fighting two mobs you couldnt try an attempt to trip the other
2003-08-18 13:17:08 |
lord mage/psi spell "phantasmal armor" that renders all there ac mods, spell ac mods, and gear bases useless but in return sets there ac at (-1200 + -1ac per lord sub lvl) for there normal lord length spell duration. Will make more use of differnet types of gear instead of all mages just wearing ac only.
2003-08-18 13:20:47 |
since thieves rely on poisons so much why purely just spread onto weapons, pity there is no way of throwing some choking powder or smoke etc to distract/poison/blind opponent.
2003-08-18 13:45:53 |
Monk throw lag should possibly be looked at, it seems to be even longer
2003-08-18 13:47:12 |
try that again, monk throw lag is / appears to be considerably longer than warrior bash lag, was this done purposely, ? however, they both seem to amount to the same objective, perhaps monk throw could be brought into the same lag time as warriors bash miss .. and if it is, clearly my connection needs a severe beating.
2003-08-18 13:59:18 |
warriors should be able to break opponnents blade, make a slight play on disarm and add something more unique to warriors
2003-08-18 14:00:52 |
reduce ryogas idea's log spam in website to 5 per week :P
2003-08-18 14:14:29 |
make it possible for shields to be worn on the slot typically seen as back, or about perhaps, since warriors could and did wear their shields there, would just be an extra flag on shield objs i think and, ofc, they couldnt then offhand a shield as well
2003-08-18 14:21:54 |
be able to somehow improve the min/avg damage for hammers and other such weapons. would make them more useful
2003-08-18 16:29:39 |
centobbits - for crossbreeds between centaurs and halflings
2003-08-18 19:36:58 |
Add 1 private room in Arena, and another room where you can watch the fight safe, like the UD room.
2003-08-18 19:40:30 |
Updated idea for an old arena quest/game Mob vs Mob duels - area spells used to drag spectators in which ruined the fun - Hold the quest in Ultimate dragons room, and move the dragon :) let people watch and bet on outcome in sanc n :) I would in particular like to know if the Merchant Lord denbonsai would have beaten the Ice dragon :)
2003-08-18 21:28:06 |
Find a way to make pets a versatile, and enjoyable experience. (mMm summon spells.)
2003-08-18 21:34:34 |
Pay immortals 2 cents an hour minus medicaid and federal income tax for their work. With dental, of course.
2003-08-18 21:37:55 |
Have rogue-like mobs talk smack in thief cant.
2003-08-18 21:39:22 |
we should have mounts and be able to fight from them could lead to a new class a knight
2003-08-18 21:40:36 |
give the ablility for high level archers the ability to craft bow just basic ones no enchants you would have to use spells to enchant it
2003-08-18 22:37:13 |
Allow racial skills to act as prereqs for other skills
2003-08-18 22:41:10 |
Implement an in-game system of gear distribution such as casting lots. Generates a number from 0-999 if you want the item, person with highest roll gets item, people who don't want the item, can pass on it, giving them a roll of 0.
2003-08-18 22:55:36 |
Add option to enchant armor so that the caster may attempt to add either ac mods, hr mods, or dr mods. The caster should have to choose one per enchant. This should allow more variety in gear for heroes especially.
2003-08-19 02:15:21 |
Update help quest-team to reflect the fact that the current head is Kariya (the rest is still undecided, I guess) -- currently says "Quest Team Head - Reuben"
2003-08-19 02:15:24 |
Maybe update help kariya to mention that he's quest team head (currently says member)
2003-08-19 02:15:24 |
Mention retired status in help reuben and help domovoi (The last paragraph of help reuben still lists his old rank, as does the first line of help domovoi).
2003-08-19 02:15:28 |
Consider putting R&D in help retired
2003-08-19 02:15:28 |
Remove the Sableroix arrow type from help arrows, as they've remained unimplemented for over a year
2003-08-19 02:15:28 |
help arena says "players may attack and hurt each other without being flagged as (KILLERS)." -- There's no such flag..remove the last part?
2003-08-19 02:15:33 |
help quest item transfer says "The owner flag must be altered ... by a Senior Immortal or Reuben the Quest Immortal." -- The part after "or" is outdated
2003-08-19 02:15:33 |
help quest item transfer says "the only exception to these rules is the Girth of the Most Holy" .. Perhaps it should also note the gauntlet archers can make?
2003-08-19 02:15:33 |
help 'AURA FOCUS' says "reveals spells, and not affects from non-magical skills." -- should be "effects"
2003-08-19 02:15:37 |
For that matter, shouldn't the 'affects' command be 'effects'? :)
2003-08-19 02:15:37 |
The bamf spell has been unavailable to mortals for quite a while. Is the helpfile still necessary?
2003-08-19 02:15:53 |
I've had my proficiency in five style fist and 1000 palms forcibly set to 0, and not even mars learn them anymore. Is it safe to remove these two help files?
2003-08-19 02:15:53 |
help bad nameauth refers to a situation which, under current name policy, no longer occurs. Safe to remove?
2003-08-19 02:16:16 |
help bad nameauth refers to a situation which, under current name policy, no longer occurs. Safe to remove?
2003-08-19 02:16:16 |
help nameauth also describes old nameauth. Perhaps it could be updated to explain the purpose of the nameauth info channel, and what nameauth used to be? Something like "New players on AVATAR used to require" instead of "now require"?
2003-08-19 02:16:16 |
help nameauth2 is a "stop being mean to people with bad names and get on with the authorizing" helpfile -- Safe to remove?
2003-08-19 02:16:21 |
Update help bossunix with a ls from a /bin of some recent linux distribution ... those files have a 1993 timestamp!
2003-08-19 02:16:21 |
Update help bossdos with a dir from a windows 2000/xp install (a dir /w, to be consistent with the older helpfile) ...
2003-08-19 02:16:25 |
help blunt weaponry says "This skill represents a Ranger's proficiency with weapons that can be easily made in the wild" -- It's sage now, not rng, that has this skill
2003-08-19 02:16:25 |
help alchemy lore says "find out what combinations produce what affect" -- should be "effect"
2003-08-19 02:16:25 |
help corpse eating says that a spec_kzin mob "picks up the corpse and 'eats' it" and "the mob has destroyed the corpse ... while still holding the gear that was contained in the corpse". This isn't how it works, although it'd be cool if it were -- mobs eat corpses from the ground.
2003-08-19 02:16:30 |
help eq register talks about a system that has been replaced by insurance. Maybe have a description of what register used to do, and a link to help insurance?
2003-08-19 02:16:30 |
help owner has a "See also: REGISTER" and talks about "registered gear" -- it should have a link to and/or mention insurance
2003-08-19 02:16:33 |
help crash has a "See also: REIMB, REGISTER" -- there should be a link to help insurance instead of help register
2003-08-19 02:16:34 |
help reimb policy says "(See Help Insure)" twice, but this just links to the command syntax; a better overview is in Help Insurance
2003-08-19 02:16:39 |
help the abyss says "Underneath Camelot is a hole so incredibly deep and wide"...It should read "Underneath the Crescent Bog"
2003-08-19 02:16:39 |
help dizzy gives as the contact address for the Gazette, promises free levels for submissions, and talks about Mefisto. Since Dizzy doesn't exist on this Realm as a player., maybe at least the gazette part should be removed?
2003-08-19 02:16:43 |
help gazette says "note to Dizzy on AVATAR or via his e-mail address:" The current email is Kenji's note said that the helpfiles are slated to be updated; sorry if this is redundant.
2003-08-19 02:16:43 |
help newgaz contains the latest (8 August 2003) Gazette, but this isn't made clear in any helpfile (help gazette might be one place to put it). Also, help gaz still contains an old Gazette ( from 18 November 2001)
2003-08-19 02:16:47 |
help high explosive refers to a spell which is "a forgotten art", and isn't even very descriptive. Is it safe to remove?
2003-08-19 02:16:47 |
help gate and help gate demon both refer to spells which no class ever learns, and which are difficult for non-immortals to cast anyway. Are they safe to remove?
2003-08-19 02:16:50 |
a spec for especially demonaical mobs that gates in even nastier demon overlords. Golly, that would be fun in tarterus...hezrou demons could summon Demogorgon when in dire straits!
2003-08-19 02:16:50 |
help sharpen weapon says that "Dulling may also remove enchants that have been placed upon the weapon prior to it being sharpened." This is not the case, and probably won't be for a while (the idea was recently "No"'d)
2003-08-19 02:16:55 |
help repair says that "Certain races ... are able to repair an object without the risk of damaging it." This is kind of untrue since as far as I've seen, it's only a dwarf thing -- that's only one race
2003-08-19 02:16:55 |
help antharia_credits contains an interesting note from Amadeus, and some suggestions to area builders about other areas they could build adding on to the Antharian history, and what claims to be Amadeus's current email address. Is it meant to be a note to all players?
2003-08-19 04:47:01 |
show a message to caster when you c cyclone, something like "You summon fierce, swirling winds!" (currently it just gives me a linefeed when i cast cyclone, unlike burning hands or earthquake)
2003-08-19 04:49:50 |
sandstorm also needs a message shown to the caster, as it also just shows a linefeed when you cast it (it'll still show damage done to mobs, but without a fun You summon swirling sands! message) (maybe it could have alliteration, like the burning hands message? i really like alliteration)
2003-08-19 05:21:13 |
give domination self a different message from charm self. "You like yourself even better!" makes sense if you charm yourself, but domination self should give something like "You feel even in more control of yourself than before!"
2003-08-19 05:23:18 |
different colors for hits TO you and hits BY you
2003-08-19 06:00:36 |
remove chin kang palm, quivering palm, buddha finger, and laughing buddha and see whether anyone notices
2003-08-19 06:53:40 |
change help brothers grimm to reflect upon the fact that the area isn't _north_ of Solace
2003-08-19 07:17:58 |
give brandish a % chance of failing similar to casting spells but perhaps not failing as often as actual spellcasting does for dumb races. I can see a giant accidentally holding a typhus staff by the wrong end every now and then.
2003-08-19 09:51:27 |
help dirs, directions: list of common directions everybody should know like "Sol <-> Nom", "Sol <-> Aelmon", "Nom <-> Aelmon", donation rooms and the low level trainers.
2003-08-19 10:34:37 |
Have the who command be able to search for gods: ie. who shz
2003-08-19 12:04:44 |
hungry social
2003-08-19 12:30:41 |
when you fumble your shot shoulden't you not hit your target?
2003-08-19 15:09:21 |
sort command for items in your inventory, ie sort by alphabet :) *bored aura*
2003-08-19 15:10:34 |
be able to sell all items of one type at sell all.dagger, etc
2003-08-19 16:18:46 |
how about a help that identify some of the items available through in-game quests. something that leaves enough mystery and ambuiguity so as not to give away the particulars. legend tells of twins, who once defeated will yield a medallion of wonderous power. search soandso to begin unraveling the path to xyz...
2003-08-19 16:20:58 |
change mooch social so its You beg <char> for money, wgear, spells.
2003-08-19 18:12:15 |
we need an area on avatar for teachers/trainers! We can go into the area and kill. Lazy and irresponsible students would be demonic? Virtuous and worthy students would be angelic. Lots of + and - int gear and wis gear laying around... dunce cap.. perhaps a small quest with clues left in abandoned notes.... you get the idea :)
2003-08-19 18:25:08 |
i think thier should be a way for the staff to let us (the players) know what you are working on other then the open tasks on the develper web sight if i am correct that is just for player ideas
2003-08-19 18:38:43 |
items in containers shouldn't count toward locker size limits
2003-08-19 18:48:46 |
no sneak attack lag
2003-08-19 19:16:00 |
a 'neutral' flag for items harmonized neutral
2003-08-19 21:15:46 |
config morph off
2003-08-19 22:09:31 |
make move lag race-dependent
2003-08-19 22:34:18 |
countercrush (lord lev help file) is accessable by hero tier. needs to be fixed
2003-08-19 22:36:54 |
make it so everyone can rebuild to hum sor at same level like anyone can remort to certain race at a set level
2003-08-19 23:55:57 |
a command for a group leader that will wake up every group member in the room who's asleep (how much lag is up to your discretion, maybe based on number in group?) "rouse" or "awaken" or "stir" or "disturb"
2003-08-19 23:57:23 |
add a message to room when someone zaps a heart of magma. (currently the room sees "Aurion zaps an elder tcho-tcho with a heart of magma. Your almost burn your hand, holding this still beating heart of magma. An elder tcho-tcho has some big nasty wounds and scratches.") [there's a typo in there, too: the "Your" should be a "You"]
2003-08-20 02:15:54 |
be able to unetch an item
2003-08-20 02:51:33 |
make it so berserk timer goes up at dif tiers, ie 10 hero 15 or more lord
2003-08-20 04:28:33 |
make shadow genesis restore shadow stats to full and bring unshadowed stats to 1h/1m/1v, instead of the other way around (currently, shadow gen is a 6000-mana full restore spell for clerics: the cleric doesn't have hp/mana set to 1 like with real genesis, and the target is fully restored in unshadowed form, although their shadow current is set to 1/1)
2003-08-20 04:28:48 |
prevent shadow genesis from removing the tainted genius aftereffect
2003-08-20 04:58:56 |
now that blood ritual is nerfed, perhaps lord sors could make potions in shadowform now?
2003-08-20 05:03:22 |
does blood ritual need to be nerfed AND banned from UD matches? wouldn't one or the other do nicely enough? end whining
2003-08-20 08:25:38 |
with create food, maybe one message would be enough? I get two: "A chocolate chip cookie suddenly appears on Ganennon." "A chocolate chip cookie suddenly appears on you."
2003-08-20 08:35:24 |
a new type of ward: slobber ward. So I can ward my cookies against slobber.
2003-08-20 09:49:46 |
refocus : a skill, you pass out for an entire tic, if you are in battle. if battle ends, you end up either resting or standing
2003-08-20 10:45:18 |
in help death it says your money stay on you at death until level 10, however I seem to remember the gold staying in body thing to happen at level 20 or so.
2003-08-20 11:21:06 |
Mage spell: fareye - Would allow the mage to look at another player or mob from afar. Prereq scry?
2003-08-20 14:03:14 |
something i've noticed: boost gives the difference between your current stat and 30, so stats which SHOULD go over 30 at lord will be unmaxable when genesising. i.e. a werre gar ran should get 36 con, but only gets 31 when genesising(base value, boost gives 0 cause it's 30 or over)... big difference. Is this intentional, or a bug? Perhaps boost was written pre-lord when stats couldn't past 30 normally
2003-08-20 14:34:10 |
make no-fail races rarely fall prey to scramble - or when scrambled have a fair chance to succeed
2003-08-20 14:41:20 |
A paladin social, in good jest of the sic command. :)
2003-08-20 15:04:29 |
dsd should get racial demonic advice
2003-08-20 15:42:32 |
Switch levels on these two for kobold and goblin: "You can rebuild as a Level 2 Hum Sor if Lord(250). You can rebuild as a Level 2 Kob Sor if Lord(500)."
2003-08-20 15:48:15 |
In help kobold, racial-noson should be racial-nosun.
2003-08-20 15:49:44 |
Remove martial artist line on help rebuild.
2003-08-20 18:14:28 |
gods to also have presence on racials
2003-08-20 18:42:15 |
add a help cd class-definer, explaining the meaning and purpose of cd skills and spells
2003-08-20 18:48:58 |
I think we should replace nourish with something more useful like... evilbunny's idea.... to have ressurect to cost about 200 mana or so and to restore HP, it'll work like gurney, so when you do it to someone they will come to their corpse at full hp or whatever. It could do mana too... but that may be too strong and unbalancing. But nourish needs to go...
2003-08-20 18:49:13 |
opposite no sun for dragon, lizard.
2003-08-20 19:12:02 |
When being silenced, I can use reply to respond to tells, but I cannot send tells. Odd... Am I broken?
2003-08-20 19:26:43 |
with bhyss being the god of destructions, you can destruct more if your weapons are better.. so enchant weapon should give better brills, while armor prevents destruction and should have loss :)
2003-08-20 19:52:47 |
update help remort: add hobgoblins, and mention that kobolds can only remort into goblins
2003-08-20 20:01:37 |
help tongues says "Channels are divided into two categories: In Class(IC) and Out Of Class(OOC)." should that be in/out Character ?
2003-08-20 20:21:54 |
make goblins only able to remort into hobgoblins
2003-08-20 20:31:17 |
typoes in help kobold: "Conninving" should be "Conniving"; "Many" should be "many"; "RACIAL-NOSON" should be "RACIAL-NOSUN'
2003-08-20 20:55:27 |
add "racial-frenzy" to the keywords for help racial frenzy (this is the standard for all the other racials..see "help racial-" for the list)
2003-08-20 20:55:28 |
add help racial-kob and help racial-hob
2003-08-20 21:54:15 |
help Kobold refers to racial noson, this should be nosun?
2003-08-20 22:54:20 |
autosac/autosplit/autoloot/autoetc have on/off commands...much easier than config +/-autowhatever...soooo, ie, autosac off
2003-08-20 22:54:39 |
Implement Legend NOW!!! if not know when?(checking ideas board)
2003-08-21 00:00:54 |
make blood ritual caps for the individual tiers
2003-08-21 00:01:42 |
return blood ritural to its former state, but bind the potions created to the caster so no one else could use them
2003-08-21 00:17:17 |
rhug social. hug everone in the room.
2003-08-21 01:47:29 |
give goblins a racial penalty to rescue
2003-08-21 02:53:16 |
bug: something must be wrong with help highest, because Durloff is on it as highest min mag, and that does not seem to be quite true.
2003-08-21 02:55:53 |
add the humming flag to enchanted armor once it reaches -8, in the same way that enchanted weapons hum after +5
2003-08-21 03:15:26 |
A command to tell you how much mana to cast a spell without having the search through all of the practice list...
2003-08-21 03:16:38 |
a helpfile for {5 10} Minx The Witch's Forest
2003-08-21 05:01:39 |
have 'donate all' include gemstones in inventory
2003-08-21 05:01:56 |
previous idea meant 'deposit all' - i'm tired :\
2003-08-21 05:48:27 |
should the helpfile for shashwat nisha really be level 51? None of the other hero area helpfiles seem to be that level.
2003-08-21 09:05:40 |
firbolg as a race :)
2003-08-21 10:13:23 |
kobold rpose, mutters to himself, "We're not ALL mudschool dropouts you know!"
2003-08-21 10:41:39 |
lord level spell, mass remove curse
2003-08-21 10:58:14 |
Gold Transfer Command: Transfer 1000000 Another Char Name
2003-08-21 12:39:02 |
new class "barbarian". similar to warrior but with an aversion to magic.
2003-08-21 12:54:29 |
announce <name> entered buddy channel as someone logs on
2003-08-21 13:24:47 |
HELP HOBGOBLIN --- last line reads "Hobgoblins are only availableto goblins via the remort command." The missing space between "available" and "to" is driving me to the brink of insanity. Please, for my mental health's sake, add the space.
2003-08-21 13:44:07 |
improved holy sight spell, adds aura sight in with regualr holy sight detects
2003-08-21 15:16:13 |
Bo'Vul's description should be changed since he no longer holds a key to be bought.
2003-08-21 16:28:52 |
psion skill that has a chance of making a mob much more vulnerable to bash during the same round of battle, psion upsets the balance of the mob... fail means mob attacks psion
2003-08-21 19:26:40 |
a command to mudside gag anything a certain person says without a line feed. (independent of channels)
2003-08-21 23:19:47 |
It would be nice if monk counterattacks could somehow be worked into the config -BATTLEOTHER setting because with the new counters sometimes it can be almost a page of essentially 'spam'.
2003-08-21 23:40:46 |
at 101 allow sneak/movehidden to last till cancelled
2003-08-22 00:38:59 |
help hob is missing a space in "...only availableto goblins..."
2003-08-22 00:39:13 |
update to help tnl for the new races
2003-08-22 00:54:38 |
A config option that lets you see when a tick occurs by showing your prompt.
2003-08-22 02:55:52 |
Change the 4 rooms surrounding the Sun Guardian so lords become lords there. Since we have to enter a level 125 portal to get there, I can't think of any abuses.
2003-08-22 06:23:25 |
how about a help adept file
2003-08-22 06:27:56 |
help shout needs to be slightly amended, it says shout sends a message to all awake players in the mud world, for one, I'm asleep and can see shout, but i can't see it if the channel is off, so the all is kinda redundant
2003-08-22 08:08:42 |
an auto message to tell someone if they have linkdead characters on log in primarily for people to stop inadvertant multi-playing
2003-08-22 09:56:46 |
Missing space in the last line of HELP HOB: Hobgoblins are only available(space should be here)to goblins via the remort command.
2003-08-22 09:57:21 |
Typo in HELP KOB - Kobolds have RACIAL-NOSON?
2003-08-22 10:37:01 |
update help tnl
2003-08-22 13:53:37 |
how about posting a message saying when youve been tailed by a mob (similar to the stands up from bash we have now)
2003-08-22 13:59:08 |
i think when you max the kill counter
2003-08-22 14:00:23 |
sorry forgot to explain why 1/1/1/1 or 1/1/1 gains because 1 hp isnt realy worth it for all classes(mage hitters dont need much hp after a while but still need mana)
2003-08-22 16:09:02 |
A gnawed body of a once-great knight rots here. Add the keyword gnawed to it, (red dragon room)
2003-08-22 16:24:15 |
training points instead of the use for practices to train wis, con, int, ect.
2003-08-22 16:52:15 |
to go along with the approved empty container command, could we have a command to empty the contents of one container into another?
2003-08-22 18:51:57 |
introduce a completely non-magical class. only spell it should have would be prayer
2003-08-22 18:52:48 |
introduce a completely magical class. it shouldn't even have first attack
2003-08-22 18:56:42 |
a new "to" field for note to, variable, for characters to set, change, and save, to reflect a group of people one commonly sends notes to. ie, set friend charA charB charC, note to friend.
2003-08-22 20:08:34 |
a spell to see the hr/dr and ac of mobs
2003-08-22 23:19:58 |
shorten the playerinfo command, make it pinfo or somethin of the like
2003-08-22 23:42:15 |
May we have a lord immolation mob for sors? Since hell was blocked off lord sors lost their only lord immolation mob.
2003-08-23 00:07:15 |
Give Flawless the gia rog lots of gold