Ideas |
2003-06-14 02:14:55 |
idea: dont let the anth knights all clump up at suretin, make them wander more, I cant kill them for the ring if they are always in a safe room...
2003-06-14 02:27:34 |
A 'rent date' command, showing the earliest when a locker can be renewed, and when the locker expires.
2003-06-14 03:26:03 |
remove ability to channel +chat until you're level 3
2003-06-14 03:38:44 |
warrior command to disarm an opponent's offhand if he's double wielding
2003-06-14 04:37:32 |
2003-06-14 04:38:09 |
(re previous) in, add more skills that let you teach higher than level 18. Maybe 'mentor' or something
2003-06-14 06:49:02 |
Instead of herothank giving a level, why not make herothank in future either give the hero max gains on their next level, or +1 hp/mp/mv/prac when they do level. That would make a herothank still special, but remove the incentive to sell them so as to powerlevel dragons etc.
2003-06-14 07:20:28 |
make identify services use demonbank
2003-06-14 07:21:52 |
Make infirmaries' double regen use demonbank (with heavy gold it is practically useless). Add config +/- infirmary so players may choose whether to use this feature.
2003-06-14 08:30:27 |
cf diablo II, spear throwing as a skill
2003-06-14 10:24:54 |
add keyword kheffin to the kheffin's blade wield. Ive seen quite a few people get confused because its labeled battleblade and kheffin is not something that can be used to wield/wear/trade it.
2003-06-14 13:42:13 |
allow monks to aflict status damage to a mob instead of just stunning from a throw.
2003-06-14 13:43:21 |
allow charachters who have more than 2 feet more hoof/claw attacks if they are flying. since their feet arent being used for anything else, one would imagine they could be used more readily in battle
2003-06-14 15:13:42 |
demonbank should affect coins received when autosplitting
2003-06-14 15:34:31 |
Let archers be able to throw objects at enemies, IE skill name rock throw, syntax Peg <item from inv> <mob name
2003-06-14 15:35:43 |
also for my last idea make it so the heavier the object is the more damage it does which would help control the abuse of the skill
2003-06-14 15:36:25 |
pps make it so the object takes damage
2003-06-14 18:08:01 |
I think that it'd be a good idea to implement the entire angel hierarchy into their classes. angel-seraphim completely
2003-06-14 18:52:20 |
be able to monitor <player> even if you're sleeping
2003-06-14 19:31:50 |
allow spellcasting in lord locker room
2003-06-14 19:32:17 |
allow spellcasting or casting of ident at lord boyer
2003-06-14 19:34:36 |
as archers have gear specific to their class, also introduce gear specific to other classes as well. I personally cannot picture a monk loaded down in tank armor dodging they way they do wearing over 200kg in steel and various other items
2003-06-14 23:28:27 |
a thankyou board
2003-06-15 01:18:35 |
have charged shields sometimes go off on a successful bash
2003-06-15 01:55:14 |
have charge shield miscast happen to mobs too.
2003-06-15 02:21:10 |
replace sharpen lag with movement consumption
2003-06-15 02:21:10 |
hold weapon skill for monk, allows them to hold a weapon in held slot while still using open hand
2003-06-15 03:38:00 |
add another +50 mana ring to the game
2003-06-15 04:02:01 |
for special item concerinng getting to 999 hero....bring back the old space warp wands :)
2003-06-15 04:07:28 |
add 'enchant bow' to the see also:s in help fading
2003-06-15 04:07:54 |
add help fading to the see also:s in help enchant armor, enchant weapon, enchant bow
2003-06-15 14:53:53 |
Love the new lockers...the list that you it possible to alter it so it condenses the numbers instead of listing 30 nectars? No? Not a problem :)
2003-06-15 15:46:57 |
ultimoose power should be limit to only one per char, only an opinion, too many people are greedy with it.
2003-06-15 16:03:49 |
have mass charm spell/mass dominate spell
2003-06-15 16:05:05 |
allow for mass magic light spell for helpful lords to aide lowmorts
2003-06-15 16:06:22 |
allow for selling of furs/skins/etc to specific shops for money. Somewhat like the dragonquests that are existant already
2003-06-15 16:08:45 |
allow monks headbutt attacks
2003-06-15 16:09:19 |
allow monks to disarm even if we dont use weapons. If we can shatter them, we can surely knock them from someone's hands
2003-06-15 16:13:47 |
allow archers to make drastically weaker attacks when out of arrows by slapping around mobs with their bow/crossbow with a chance of breaking their weapon.
2003-06-15 16:14:56 |
create a 'shoots daggers from his/her eyes at whomever' social
2003-06-15 16:15:18 |
give a toss and turn in your sleep social
2003-06-15 16:17:47 |
give wars the ability to smack a mob with the flat edge of a sword and subdue mob
2003-06-15 16:19:00 |
think i already suggested this, but create more class specific gear for each class
2003-06-15 16:20:09 |
new monk skill Total devotion. Increased/better version of blind devotion which deflects more attacks but severly reduces the number/effectiveness of all openhand attacks for spell duration
2003-06-15 16:22:16 |
if an archer looses their weapon, allow them to make weaker attacks by using 1 arrow per stabbing attempt against a mob
2003-06-15 16:24:35 |
have races who have scales go through seasons where they have to shed their skin. Ac up but dex down durring this time.
2003-06-15 16:26:05 |
give 'grit teeth' or 'grind teeth' social for frustrated players :)
2003-06-15 16:34:57 |
have a function that allows us to see what ideas we have submitted so that we dont repeat ideas if we suggest a lot of ideas in the first place *toe* :)
2003-06-15 16:40:48 |
if scholars are implimented, allow them to teach skills higher than most others
2003-06-15 16:50:28 |
You should get notified when you send a note and be able to check it with 'note scan'. (A normal notification like when others send notes, not the 'Note sent.')
2003-06-15 17:02:18 |
Whoa suggested a hero-cleric CD to embalm a corpse without bandages as long as you're in the room. you wanted a name. suggestions
2003-06-15 17:02:35 |
ack. put semicolon instead of colon. name suggestions: anoint, swathe, truss, ligature
2003-06-15 17:12:47 |
Make the design website's 'weekly idea' searchable, so that you don't have to flip through however many ideas were posted to see if your own idea was thought worthy.
2003-06-15 17:32:38 |
Unworship history should clear when you remort/rebuild. It is in effect a new character you are playing with, especially since you automatically unworship with rebuild/remort. no. you are the same character. you keep your gold as well as your
2003-06-15 17:57:24 |
have spell called mithril skin available for lev 500+ psions or mages
2003-06-15 17:58:15 |
monk skill 'patience of gorn' allows monk to sacrifice all open hand attacks to deflect an equal ammount of incomming attacks
2003-06-15 17:58:37 |
have gender specific quests
2003-06-15 18:00:43 |
since we have sorcerer rebuild classes, have a warrior type rebuild as well. Berzerker perhaps?
2003-06-15 18:04:11 |
have weapons that refer to specific races (kzinti claws and dragon claws idealy) that function with higher hit/dam roll than normally reported by ident when used by perspective races (kzinti and dragons idealy again)
2003-06-15 18:05:15 |
create wolfen raceto compliment the existance of kzinti race
2003-06-15 18:05:49 |
allow remort race gith/gish for psion class only
2003-06-15 18:07:45 |
we have it where a lord with enough levels can remort into something diffrent, would it be possible for a char, such as a dragon to sacrifice one of his heros to gain a number of practice points, or possible to have his char given something, like a ritual of power or something. just a quick brain tingle
2003-06-15 18:07:50 |
since elves/drow can remort into high elves, why not allow only high elves to remort into true fae?
2003-06-15 18:09:58 |
allow toggle between old damage style of YEARS ago (nukes and atomizes) and current style for damage
2003-06-15 18:11:14 |
give dragon players racial greed which requires them to maintain a gold hord dependant upon level/age
2003-06-15 18:12:40 |
include moon phases in time progression that affect races differently depending on the phase
2003-06-15 18:14:10 |
have mob/shopkeep that giftwraps items so that we can give presents :)
2003-06-15 18:19:08 |
in regard to weapons, give knives/bladed weapons a higher chance of disarming an opponent than blunt weapons. Give blunt weapons the chance to shatter bladed weapons when used in combat
2003-06-15 18:19:38 |
have dragon bite/tail/claw attack do more damage depending on level progression
2003-06-15 18:24:43 |
give afk flag a timer for how long player has been afk so that we can determine wether or not to bother that individual
2003-06-15 18:27:22 |
have dragons who spend obscene ammounts of time either asleep or afk after full regen experiance LAG from trying to wake up/come back from afk. dragons are notoriously deep sleepers after all
2003-06-15 18:31:11 |
allow mail fairies to have large cousins that can deliver small items to individuals lockers Nothing beyond..say...weight of 5
2003-06-15 18:33:42 |
add warpaint social 'soandso paints his/her/its face with ritualistic war symbols in preparation for battle!'
2003-06-15 18:38:00 | mass ammounts of ideas for crom though >:)
2003-06-15 18:40:06 |
instead of pets for purchase and help inf fights, why not hire mercenaries? I know that grouping is the prefered method of playing, but merc/pets are just the same thing..different names :P
2003-06-15 18:41:45 |
make mindflayers a remort race :)
2003-06-15 18:45:02 |
create necromancer class that gains stat bonuses/ac/hit/dam/mana from grafting body parts to themselves.
2003-06-15 18:47:18 |
when casting fire spells in water or in water realm, have the spell do less damage.
2003-06-15 18:51:25 |
sucker punch/cheap shot skill for war's rogues. Similar to fleeing shot for archers..allows other classes to get last hit in while fleeing
2003-06-15 18:52:36 |
allow monks a skill similar to warrior stances. One would allow for a slight AC bonus..the other would allow for a slight hit/dam bonus
2003-06-15 18:55:08 |
give archers a skill similar to Lethal Aim
2003-06-15 18:56:33 |
give monks a weakened version of lethal aim
2003-06-15 19:00:01 |
for individuals who abuse HOG triggers...have a HOB..hand of bob...which gives -100 hit and dam :)
2003-06-15 19:01:07 |
give sweepers in midgard castle brooms!
2003-06-15 19:11:53 |
make disarm more effective
2003-06-15 19:13:27 |
a warrior spell which automatically attempts to re-wield a disarmed weapon (success dependent on the level of the creature which disarmed you)
2003-06-15 19:16:49 |
allow shatterstrike to be aimed at more than just wields
2003-06-15 19:20:56 |
introduce torrential weather that can damage players AND mobs :)
2003-06-15 19:23:47 |
occasionally have the volcano at Zin erupt
2003-06-15 19:26:19 |
introduce mobs who hit players hard enough to knock them out of flying status
2003-06-15 20:16:42 |
for last command, give different prompts dependant on age 0-100 'quite some time ago' 100-200'a long time ago'200-300'ages ago'300-400'ages and ages ago'
2003-06-15 20:31:49 |
make u able to rebiuld and remort at the same time
2003-06-15 20:52:01 |
make a failed bash painful (only about as much damage as a successful bash would have done to the mob, or even less)
2003-06-15 21:48:25 |
allow new charachters (lev 1-10) to be automatically tracking their corpse once they die to reduce the requests for CR help.
2003-06-15 21:49:14 |
When there is a HoG for non-lords, why not let the lords be non-shadowed on midgaard at that time?
2003-06-15 21:51:56 |
recruit more builders and designers to expand avatar large enough to have racial capital cities where each new charachter from the perspective race will start
2003-06-15 22:01:16 |
make a committee to answer idea suggestions so that poor crom doesn't get burned out answering these long lists we've been generating for him.
2003-06-15 22:01:35 |
a skill to show if your in good graces with your god or not
2003-06-15 22:18:21 |
monk counterattacks, similar to riposte but possibly cooler at high levels
2003-06-15 22:24:36 |
if an archer can disarm with a bow a monk should be able to disarm open handed
2003-06-15 22:57:27 |
skill-Flanking- a group with 4 or more warriors in it (lord level skill) can surround a mob and potentially do more damage during combat
2003-06-15 22:58:55 |
skill-healing circle- lord level skill a group with 4 or more clerics can form a curative circle and heal all party members in the group with enhanced speed and potential.
2003-06-15 23:02:08 |
skill-Dancing death- lord level skill a group containig 4 or more psions can form a perpetuial and continuous whirlwind of their weapons. During this whirwind, the psions cannot engage in anyother actions except defence (no spellcasting, no fleeing, no recalling)
2003-06-15 23:04:13 |
skill-bulwark of gorn- lord level skill A group containing 4 or more monks can pool their open hand abilities to deflect massive attacks while sharing all damage equally between the monks joined in the bulwark of gorn skill.
2003-06-15 23:11:48 |
skill-back alley butcher- lord level a group of 4 or more rogues can team up and deliever a series of deadly repetative stabs when initating combat
2003-06-15 23:14:10 |
skill-voley of the gods-lord level a group containing 4 or more archers can aim, in unison, at the same spot on a target. all must hold shot and this does a substantial ammount of damage initating combat. Cannont be used in combat
2003-06-15 23:16:35 |
skill-blood of the fallen- lord level. A sorcerer can collect the flowingblood of their comrads in order to fuel their mana costs for a short time
2003-06-16 00:11:21 |
zapped items to in inventory, not ground.... would be nice
2003-06-16 01:56:59 |
Place much-repeated ideas on the development webpage, either on the faq or a new page (ie how deposit gemstone as a keyword isn't going in)
2003-06-16 02:11:07 |
Herothank, just a thought, herothank should not give lvls, instead maybe 1hp/1mana/1mvs/1prac per is still a nice thing to recieve..but getting 50 herothanks isnt going to make a big diff in the long run if its just 1 of each rather than a full lvl..just a thought :)
2003-06-16 02:12:22 |
can't remember if I put this in the idea box yet, but here it goes. Have undead and living races, ex: vampires, zombies, skeletons, liches, etc...have agro mobbies to that are agro to undead but not livving
2003-06-16 02:12:50 |
i think the fatigues for some racial abilities should be eliminated or severely reduced, frenzy i understand but hide and sneak shouldn't
2003-06-16 02:30:58 |
hard-code the "no more than 4 first letters in common with an Immortal's name" rule in character name selection at startup
2003-06-16 03:30:50 |
make lord heighten last longer on thorn..
2003-06-16 08:52:10 |
how about being able to pick up a certain amount of coins from a pile? if u can get all 100k, be nice if u can get 10k at a time instead.
2003-06-16 11:03:10 |
withering spite psi hero 250/500 skill. The psion has become so superior mentally, that their debilitating deceptions (deception, scramble, dread, etc.) are much more difficult for enemies to resist.
2003-06-16 11:38:43 |
a "deposit gems" command similar to "deposit all" for coins, makes depositing gems into bank less hassle (currently must type out entire gem name)
2003-06-16 14:06:25 |
a way to choose how much gold in a pile you pick up, like get 25000 coins or such
2003-06-16 14:10:38 |
Aranor chats 'Interesting. As a shizaga worshipper, if I were to cast armor on myself it would be -18 ac. If you sac, and get armor from Shizaga that way, it's -20. Goofy.' This should probably be fixed? Or is it that gods don't worship themselves and therefore are not affected by their own modifiers? It doesn't sound like a trival thing to code though.
2003-06-16 14:59:57 |
implement a rule to only trigger from void and not afk, and give no biulding hours for afk
2003-06-16 16:04:09 |
Regarding pets. Many times people quit from mud when not in room with their pet. Pet, as opposed to "free pet", then becomes uncharmed and turns feral and roams, devastated by sudden abandonment (NOT same as freeing pet). Damage level boost dependent on level of pet (e.g. A level 40 pet should act like a level 40 aggie mob). Aggie all. Detect invis/hidden. Area level dependant, e.g. won't aggie in newbie
2003-06-16 16:05:15 |
Ack. Previous failed. Regarding pets. Many times people quit from mud when not in room with their pet. Pet, as opposed to "free pet", then becomes uncharmed and turns feral and roams, devastated by sudden abandonment (NOT same as freeing pet).
2003-06-16 16:05:24 |
Regarding pets cont. Damage level boost dependent on level of pet (e.g. A level 40 pet should act like a level 40 aggie mob). Aggie all. Detect invis/hidden. Area level dependant, e.g. won't aggie in newbie lowmort areas (like Meadow).
2003-06-16 16:19:56 |
rewrite the necro tower help file and remove the reference to Ciquala. Might be confusing to people who never ran in that area before it was gf'd. Maybe add reference to Trystannia or one of the undead NPC'
2003-06-16 17:47:19 |
orange color code.
2003-06-16 18:09:57 |
a charge shield bash...psi/mage only maybe?
2003-06-16 19:27:10 |
toggle tell colours, ie u can set tell different colours since purple is so hard to see in fight spam etc, altho telnet users are stuck with current colours,
2003-06-16 19:50:43 |
tic counter *meep*
2003-06-16 19:59:51 |
increase armor optimization gain but make it a spell-like affect that has a tiered duration (same as spells). Would have to rewear equipment to regain that bonus. Maybe have the gods affect duration differently then they affect spell lengths.
2003-06-16 20:39:19 |
instead of group diversity affecting exp. it affects the melee damage a group can inflict
2003-06-16 21:20:31 |
tingling lord arrow skills should reduce costs on per fletch (for the ones that require mana)
2003-06-16 22:04:04 |
warriors should get a warcry that scares the daylights out of mobbies and does a super attack if they flee for a starting round attack :P
2003-06-16 22:05:38 |
more to the warcry, if it works, it could instead raise the ac of the mobbie and if failed make the mobbie's ac lower since its laughing at you and is no longer scared of you :)
2003-06-16 22:16:21 |
let lord group leaders leave a sign at thorngate that states where they have shifted to so others dont always ask if there are any runs out
2003-06-16 22:23:05 |
a critical fletch, "You strain really hard, and your efforts pay off! You have produced 50 ice arrows."
2003-06-16 22:54:05 |
Add to the list of 'who' options, who plague, who drown. Maybe who poison, who virus too?
2003-06-16 22:59:21 |
a skill/spell that alows note writing. You would need a quill ink paper. You would be able to wright in any language you know ie cant basic dracon all that stuff. would be a higher level skill/spell maby hero 500 could be called arcane writing or something like that
2003-06-16 23:04:23 |
Add locker information to score screen. All I would like to see is a "locker? yes/no". If yes, date that it is due to expire. I have not been able to figure out my renewal date by using 'rent renew'. I get the message 'It is too early to renew your rental.' Thank you :)
2003-06-17 01:09:43 |
give monks different forms of throw. in martial arts, there are various throws that both disarm and disable their opponent
2003-06-17 03:23:33 |
Bring back Lord Donation (3s...)
2003-06-17 03:26:38 |
Oh yeah, and the Super Secret Bonus Level. (4s)
2003-06-17 04:04:24 |
make scattershot acually hit mobs...mutter
2003-06-17 12:39:12 |
smart mobs. flee and invis themselves
2003-06-17 13:07:46 |
for a new area, since you guys tend to do themed areas, do a Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter area, either get your favorite fan-related weapons or wreck havoc on all the Harry Potter characters
2003-06-17 14:52:46 |
longshot for psis... its like dart but can be used one room away
2003-06-17 15:51:12 |
centuar move use bonus
2003-06-17 19:40:57 |
add to help racial-trg that they get butcher (the racial command, and attempts at butchering, reflect this adequately, but the helpfile doesn't)
2003-06-17 20:13:50 |
have last command also show logged off time
2003-06-17 21:26:56 |
remove stat loss for shadowed deaths, since no xp is gained for shadowed kills
2003-06-17 21:39:10 |
Since we can tell in sleep, can we be able to use shout channel in sleep? and possibly yell channel?
2003-06-17 22:10:07 |
spell-haste-lord level- allows double the normal melee attacks for one round while halving AC
2003-06-17 22:26:36 |
tazer social
2003-06-17 22:26:44 |
cattleprong social
2003-06-17 23:07:59 |
a warrior 250 skill: rescue all people in group from mobs, after being so skilled in rescuing, a warrior should be able to swiftly save his entire group (under a certain limit) in the same amount of time it would normally take to rescue one, or two
2003-06-17 23:29:26 |
*whine* I want to be able to do 'recall location' while sleeping *whinewhine*
2003-06-17 23:51:06 |
Be nice if the notes u read and caught up were the same and synchronized with all your other alts, so u dunt need to go thru the same imm notes on another char.
2003-06-18 00:07:07 |
make disintegrate randomly disintegrate an item on a mob
2003-06-18 00:21:55 |
have defeat on thorn arena place you above thorn instead of the mid cloud
2003-06-18 00:47:33 |
make buddy channels lag free, so you can chat with your friends while in sharpen/restring/fletch lag, making it more enjoyable instead of being a pain to do those.
2003-06-18 01:17:05 |
Every night at about 1:10 the system lags some. Sometimes it is bad, sometimes it isn't. It has been suggested that this is because of some kind of automatic backup. If it is, that is not a problem. However was wondering if maybe an automatic message could be flashed as system starts to backup to tell people that system is backing up there may be lag. Thanks that is all.
2003-06-18 03:03:44 |
drider remort race for drow, immune to web
2003-06-18 08:30:55 |
update gauntlets of accuracy to help something other than aimed shot since no class ever learn aimed shot.. seems useless
2003-06-18 09:29:15 |
examining a bag like item will tell you how much kg is in the item
2003-06-18 10:52:20 |
poison arrows should tell you the poison that you put in the arrow by its name...
2003-06-18 10:56:56 |
Make duplicates of orosca quest tickets crumple. These items is camped like crazy by a few people, making it almost impossible to solve for players who haven't already, unless they are on in the middle of the night.
2003-06-18 11:24:22 |
detect curse, a skill that works similarly to heighten and alerts you in a room you are in is cursed. Approved Level III. "Detect Curse" to show if items are no-drop, no-remove just by looking at them, players are cursed, and if rooms are no-recall.
2003-06-18 15:27:45 |
tingling spells should slightly reduce the lag on them, that way there is a point to tingling a spell even if you are a 'nofail' race
2003-06-18 15:36:35 |
Add see also: afkreply to help afk.
2003-06-18 15:58:51 |
make mass cure critical a prerequisite for mass heal, and mass cure serious a prerequisite for mass cure critical
2003-06-18 17:08:11 |
add a plus sv vs spell to bad prayer also, only 2 ive seen are -str and +ac. but we have 3 good ones. tiered the same as the rest of the prayer affects. maybe 3/7/11 lowmort/hero/lord.
2003-06-18 20:03:15 |
for task, a task desc- option. similar to the way player descriptions work, deletes the last line the same way desc - deletes description lines.
2003-06-18 21:07:27 |
have count let us know if imms are on, even if they're wizinvis. just so we can tell or not
2003-06-18 21:24:03 |
when mass aid is cast, only show successful cure poison/blind/diseases: the "%n doesn't appear to be blinded / isn't poisoned / doesn't appear to be diseased" messages are superfluous
2003-06-18 21:24:44 |
when mass healing spells are cast, don't show the "A voice whispers '%n is fully rested.' / '%n is perfectly healthy.'" messages
2003-06-18 22:07:00 |
'give all' command
2003-06-18 23:38:49 |
change herothank from 1 lvl to cutting tnl in half more fair for different races and different tnls :p
2003-06-18 23:53:45 |
let lowmorts with hero alts chat on hero chat with a enable hero <char name> <password> command that resets on log off so trading and stuff
2003-06-19 01:00:05 |
we need a fret social
2003-06-19 02:41:47 |
a new kind of enchant armor that lets you enchant save vs spell
2003-06-19 03:17:33 |
how about a third party insurance which costs more thats linked to your pfile so you can move items back and forth between people on the insurance list at the momment insure is great but limited
2003-06-19 05:00:55 |
aren't we missing detect good spell?
2003-06-19 05:51:57 |
Incorporate possible attribute loss (str/int/etc) in morph failure. Possible to lose more than one random point at a time. The closer you are to the lv500 end of the scale, the more you can lose and the better the chance.
2003-06-19 05:57:00 |
Improve detonation success? I don't understand how a mob can seemingly always save against detonation, but if deception is used, it's much easier.
2003-06-19 06:34:35 |
fix "magic light"....the items created by this spell can be sold to shopkeepers
2003-06-19 15:08:29 |
Monk skill: wrestle. Cannot act in combat, but mob incurs penalties similar to throw for whole combat.
2003-06-19 21:36:32 |
amuse social: You blow a rub your head, and rub your belly in circular motions to try and amuse soandso :p
2003-06-19 22:45:24 |
allow multiple buddlechannel access similar to how we have nchat, chat, hero, lord etc
2003-06-19 22:47:08 |
have a channel used for individuals on who group
2003-06-20 00:10:36 |
who f and who m to find male or female, for the skillz
2003-06-20 04:02:38 |
make the mindflayer quest in astral doable again, nopass nobash nopick locked doors without locks are a tad hard to get past.
2003-06-20 04:26:55 |
auto-alphabetize the socials list
2003-06-20 12:12:55 |
you can make gems (from bank) embeddable <-- *hopes he spelled it right*
2003-06-20 13:36:35 |
possible bug-IT says that when i try to cast barkskin as a shadow that its too powerful for me to cast in shadow form...yet its a hero level spell obtained during hero?!?. It dosent make sense that It should be too powerful to cast as a shadow.
2003-06-20 13:39:09 |
lord skill-oversurge/destructive surge - spellcaster uses so much mana in casting the spell that they suffer a backlash each time they cast using skill
2003-06-20 13:40:36 |
have scramble duration variable upon the inteligence of the player affected
2003-06-20 13:42:35 |
allow lords to promote new charachters when imm's are not currently on the mud when new charachters are asking for promotions
2003-06-20 13:46:13 |
have the spell frenzy give higher or lower bonuses based on worship. More peaceful dieties..lower frenzy mods. Warlike dieties..higher frenzy bonuses
2003-06-20 13:56:25 |
make it so i can at least group more then 0 people
2003-06-20 15:08:14 |
introduce seasons and seasonal change. all it ever does here is rain/get cloudy/thunder lightning/ sun rise and sun set. Lets get some snow. Some flash floods. HURRICANES over by the coasts! Droughts!
2003-06-20 15:13:05 |
a lord 250 psion and/or mage spell: cant think of a name, but you could rename the spells you cast, ex: You honk a monk terminal brutality!
2003-06-20 15:31:27 |
a 'help randomness' that is referenced in all the radom seeded skills and spells (sharpen, enchants, transmute, etc..) that explains that the imms aren't out to get you and nor is your god, and for the most part, the 'trends' that players see using the skill is the result of random being random.
2003-06-20 15:51:45 |
an enhanced version of vampire touch at lord, gives more hp...
2003-06-20 16:03:51 |
change help keyfinder to include that you can c 'keyfinder' east, or just get rid of the refrence to item/door name...
2003-06-20 17:06:07 |
Is it possible to reinstate the old skill that allows one to wield blunt weapons with more effeciency, or maybe add a skill that allows warrior to improve the overall damage to blunt weapons?
2003-06-20 18:08:32 |
bring back acid etching please.
2003-06-20 19:36:24 |
a command that lets you stop fighting a mob
2003-06-20 20:29:04 |
update all the area helps please. I do like to see the background storyline and also would be nice to maybe get a hint as to where the areas are in relation to others in the help files.
2003-06-20 22:16:48 |
Get rid of the 2 wisdom prayer and make it a random stat gain.
2003-06-20 22:34:30 |
a marry social : you drop on your knee and propose to soandso :p
2003-06-21 00:18:21 |
Mental Fortress: ic mage spell that increases int to spellable/gear max with a 10/10 reduction in hr/dr and a +100 armor class penalty. Also gives a -5 sv vs at hero tier (tiered to lowmort/lord)
2003-06-21 00:29:29 |
make the orosca tickets drop after logoff to reduce campage (more like a key than ticket)
2003-06-21 00:30:52 |
have last command include login and logout times
2003-06-21 00:31:29 |
locate object psi equivalent