The Avatar Gazette Vol II, No. 10 Aug. 8th 1995
(A Sunlight Through The Shadows Production)
The Avatar Gazette is published twice a month by AsaMaro in
conjunction with (and full permission of) The Avatar Staff
The Gazette is written in 100% pure ASCII to assure maximum
compatibility for all readers using whatever system they use
Subscribe by writing to jderouen@crl.com and including the
following in the body of your note: subscribe gazette <mud name>
Telnet to Avatar at: ifu.net 3000
The Gazette Staff: AsaMaro, Marat, Arundel and TMeat.
The entire contents are copyrighted (c) 1995, Joe DeRouen.
All rights reserved. Individual articles not written by
Joe DeRouen are also copyrighted (c) 1995 by the individual
in question. Any unauthorized reproduction (or changing of said
contents) of the Gazette without fully expressed written
permission will result in prosecution to the fullest extent
of the law.
Table of Contents
Page 1 Introduction
Page 1 Table of Contents
Page 1 AsaMaro's Editorial
Page 2 A Special Note From Dizzy
* The Avatar Gazette *
"From the ashes rise the Phoenix, stronger, given life anew . . ."
The Farside MUD is no more. Rox and Snikt have parted ways over
philosophical differences, and from the virtual ashes of Farside a new
MUD has risen; Avatar.
Avatar can be found at ifu.net 3000. It's web page is now at
http://www.ifu.net/~avatar. All of the players pfiles have remained
intact, as have all of the areas. All of your favorite Immortals and
Heroes are still there. Only the Implementor has changed, and the name.
If you have any questions that this editorial or Dizzy's note (next
article below) doesn't answer, please feel free to talk to an Immortal
or write a note on Avatar to Immortal, Senior, or Exec. We'll be happy
to answer any questions that we can.
We wish Rox and Harp well in any future endeavors they may enter into,
and welcome Snikt as the Implementor of Avatar!
* * *
The Farside Gazette is now The Avatar Gazette, and will still be
published every two or three weeks by AsaMaro. Note however that the
listserv address is no longer working; you'll be getting the Gazette
straight from me, as you did for all but the last issue.
Look for a new regular issue of the Gazette within a couple of weeks.
Thanks for sticking with us through these changes!
=========================== (at ifu.net 3000)
by Dizzy
Today something remarkable happened in the world of On-Line Adventure
Games: A.V.A.T.A.R. was born. Players of FARSIDE (Merc 2.2 based MUD
formerly at mud.atinc.com 3000) are already familiar with the Intensity,
Excitement and unbridled Adrenalin Rush of our gaming anomaly called
Alas, Farside lives no more in its original incarnation. Instead, out of
the ashes of it's utopian chaos arises the phoenix of A.V.A.T.A.R. Farside
players telnet to ifu.net 3000. OLD FARSIDE PFILES REMAIN UNCHANGED! The
old address no longer works, however you can still wander the wilderness,
ruins, cities, and Twisted world at our new address: ifu.net 3000.
A.V.A.T.A.R. = Instant Gratification