22 Heroes morphed in March 2007. Please welcome the following to the Lord tier:
Acclimate Arusa Asmodeus Auxerre
Darang Deception Elec Ephesus
Furiren Harbag Heavyd Juan
Kameiccolo Kiruzog Krunk Lizardry
Lyssa Naota Serthamal Skywise
Tolus Trash
17 characters remorted in March 2007. Please wish the following good luck:
* Argk from Giant Bodyguard to Minotaur Bodyguard
* Auryn from Kzinti Rogue to Kzinti Assassin
* Bartholomuse from Drow Mage to Dragon Mage
* Brena from Drow Mage to Dragon Mage
* Deathblow from Troll Warrior to Troll Bodyguard
* Duh from Giant Bodyguard to Demonseed Bodyguard
* Egnaro from Draconian Black Circle Initiat to Dragon Black Circle Initiate
* Highligh from Draconian Wizard to Dragon Wizard
* Ignite from Lizard Man Warrior to Dragon Warrior
* Isa from Drow Mage to High Elf Mage
* Karnok from Lizard Man Wizard to Tuataur Wizard
* Kyzlynnke from Elf Rogue to High Elf Rogue
* Orestes from Elf Psionicist to High Elf Psionicist
* Qyv from Drow Warrior to Minotaur Warrior
* Svez from Lizard Man Black Circle Initiat to Minotaur Black Circle Initiate
* Vigilance from Human Berserker to Minotaur Berserker
* Zara from Lizard Man Wizard to Dragon Wizard
10 characters deleted in March 2007:
Aldebaran BOGEY Dart Geneveive
Nessalt Regret RiVEN Roka
SYnDromE Zzyz