Here are the new Hero and Lord stats since January 2nd, 2007:
22 Heroes morphed since January 2nd, 2007. Please welcome the following to the Lord tier:
Baka Banquo Bora Burton
Depo Dull Erlkonig Farce
Fusion Incapacitate Ladonna Prosatanos
QuartzJr Rkd Solmyr Svez
Thian Trezik Uglyface Xuyr
Zara Zarkash
11 Lords remorted since January 2nd, 2007. Please wish the following good luck:
* Dauthi from Kzinti Warrior to Human Berserker
* Dremora from Drow Mage to High Elf Mage
* Fling from Giant Warrior to Human Berserker
* Goblio from Goblin Fusilier to Hobgoblin Fusilier
* Juan from Orc Warrior to Human Berserker
* Kalide from Human Sorcerer to Dragon Sorcerer
* Lavendel from Troll Warrior to Human Paladin
* Ormist from Giant Warrior to Giant Berserker
* Ramuk from Dwarf Rogue to Troll Rogue
* Stan from Lizard Man Psionicist to Tuataur Mindbender
* Stolle from Draconian Warrior to Troll Warrior
2 Heroes/Lords deleted since January 2nd, 2007:
Iguana Vastilos